Chpt 5: "It's just life."

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I felt my head pound as let my eyes settle to the light of the room, I sit up and jimin quickly ran over pressing the button for the nurse. "She was here." I whispered and jimin shook his head, "Taehyung you fainted at home you've been here for a day already for an iv to hydrate you." He shook his head and sighed as the nurse walked in. "I'm starting to worry Mr.Kim I have been seeing you way to often." I muted her voice after I nodded I kept playing everything in my head from her confession to our small argument to the moment I shut my eyes, she was there I felt her touch her hand on my wrist her hands on my arm and chest when I fainted I felt every second of it. I looked out the window waiting for her to walk in to the room, jimin left to get food and the nurse spoke to me already about my diagnosis it's a good thing I'm okay. Right?

"Taehyung." The voice echoed and I closed my eyes fearing I was just hearing her again and I was right it was just the replay that kept going from the day on the bridge. We were fine the day before but everything goes back to the past because we had our love story, and it wasn't supposed to finish that way. "I want to go home." Jimin put everything down and sighed, "You can once you finish the iv, now please eat you can die on us next time. We need you to take care of yourself from now on." I nodded not wanting to get more into it.

(5 years ago)
"You have to take good care of yourself okay?" I nodded and left the doctors office it was the fourth time in the last two months I've been here and they keep telling me to take care of myself but I honestly try to but every thought of you plays through my head and I keep thinking you're alive and I keep feeling like you'll be back one day but it's already been three years since you've left me I swear there's this girl she sits in our spot every morning and watches the sunrise just like we used too, she looks just like you but I've only seen her figure from behind and a side view nothing more. She leaves once the sun peeks over the mountain, I think she only loves the morning blue like you did.

"Taehyung!" I hear Jimin shout as I turned around to see him running towards me, "It's been a while since I've seen you out of your room." He gave me a small light shove and I nodded not saying anything. "The guys and I are going to get food if you want to tag along." I shook my head and pushed myself away from him and kept walking, I let my feet drag against the concrete and made my way to the bridge. "Can I join you?" I looked at to the water as I stood there waiting for someone to say no or say yes, I sighed I can't explain the pain I felt today but it felt worse and it felt like as if I would die by just standing here and I no longer want to feel this pain. Sometimes I wish my emotions didn't exist sometimes I wish I could just go numb and never speak of it again, but it's as if our brains keep trauma better as a memory more than the happy moments. I was now sitting on the post of the bridge and the wind made it all feel better I watched the sunset quietly as I turned around to hear Jimin yelling for me not that far and with that my body touched the water with the white splash just like she did.

Jimin left to get the car as the nurse walked in, "Mr.Kim your condition has gotten worse, we need you to stay hydrated for the time being and we could offer treatment as well." I gave a small laugh and shook my head at her as she sighed, "We can't force you but I promise it'll help you." I sighed and shook my head once again.

"It's just life."

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