Chpt 8: "But you were supposed to be mine."

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I haven't seen you since the day you left me standing at my own grave, yet I find myself returning back to it everyday. I feel disgusted about my family, I feel ashamed of the seven years I walked around and hid away. I feel horrible for all the pain I've cause yet I can't seem to get why I read so much love from you still. You say you want to let go but your body language and eyes read different, maybe I was reading it wrong or I just wanted it to go the way I hoped it would for us. I hear myself screaming in my head as I stare at this stoned grave with no emotion, I hear my scream of pain everyday in my head begging to be set free as I just watch leaves fall onto this thing my family created.
"Y/n." I jumped to the sound of the voice as I turn around as I was met with wide eyes and a shocked expression, I gave a small smile and turned back to the grave of mine. "I didn't believe it when they told but I didn't think I'd see you here." His voice kept echoing in my head as it filled my ears like a melody, I turned and nodded as he was already staring at me.
"It must be weird staring at your own grave at this point." I nodded and sighed, I turned to him fully hesitating to say anything as I remember everything our child hood.

(Before meeting Taehyung)
"Y/n!" I laughed running away from yoongi as he chased me through my house, we were close friends because our family was but our bond grew as our family's lost contact with each other. I stopped as I was now trapped between a wall and yoongi a couple steps away, "Okay okay truths." I laughed and he stepped closer and shook his head with a smile. "Yoongi don't you dare." I gave a playful glare as stepped closer trapping me between him and the wall, I started to hiccup because of how close we were. "So I make the y/n nervous?" He chuckled as I shook my head, "You sure." He leaned closer and my breathing caught in my throat as he smirked, my hands were on his chest holding a distance between us. "Yoongi! Y/n!" We heard my mom yell as we moved away from each other you could here her voice clearly anger that the house had water all on the floor from us running around we laughed and quickly hid away from her.
Yet I couldn't take my thought away from Yoongi.

"I missed you a lot." He chuckled as he hugged me, he knew everything and he knew how my father was which probably explains why he's not mad. We pulled away and I looked down at the ground, "How is he doing? Where is he?" He sighed and nodded. "He's at your old house." I nodded making my way out of cemetery as he stopped me grabbing my wrist, I turned around and looked at him as he let go and sighed. "Time really has changed, I remember you were that concerned about me." I sighed and shook my head, "Yoongi that was along time ago." Because you left me remember, my thoughts finishing my sentence as we stared at each other and I turned around hearing his words farm a melody with the wind.

"But you were supposed to be mine."

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