Chpt 15: We're still the kids we used to be

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I felt my own soul facing the other way watching you as I stepped further away. I stopped at the door at this moment I wanted to turn around and hug you one last time because this ending to us felt like a very long good bye, I took a deep breath and stepped into the room I looked at Taehyung and he gave me a small smile as I returned it.
It felt like I caved into something I didn't want to cave into, I want to sit down and live my laughter with you one more time.
It hurt but it didn't sting like it did with Taehyung and I feel horrible about that, because I wanted you to sting more than anything because you loved me before I could even start loving you.

Then you still loved me when I no longer loved you and that is what I don't want, for you to keep hurting yourself. I don't want you to have your hopes up about us, the us that no longer exist anymore. I heard your heart beat with mine like a rhythm that was meant to be a song together, we were soulmates because of how much me were always in union the joy and life we brought to one another.
Yet the pain and tears we had against each other always found a way to tear us apart and this time before it did, I broke us. I cut our ties and our union to save you from me. My soulmate that I let float away with the wind I created.

"Everything okay?" I felt Taehyung a warm hand on mine and I nodded taking a drink of my wine, Jimin's  gaze was burning holes into me but I avoided him. I didn't want an argument and I didn't want Taehyung to know that I had my conversation with you, that I gave me and you closure for something that never was and will never be.

(9 years ago before Kim Taehyung)
"It's a lantern festival thingy." Yoongi spoke with a smile as I laughed, it was my most asked for thing to come write on a lantern and let it float away in the sky. "I love it." I smiled as he sat down on the blanket so we can write our wishes, I smiled at him as he wrote in his words in a big smile.

"Can I know your wish?" I smiled peaking over and he threw himself on top of it, as I bursted into laughter. "Yoongi this isn't a top secret mission." He gave a dramatic gasp and I could help but continue laughing at him, "I don't know what you think wishes are but they are definitely top secret." He spoke with so much sass I was holding my stomach from so much laughter, I smiled and finally wrote down my wish. I looked up at him as he had a wide smile drawing on his lantern, I admired him in this stated and looked back at my wish.

'I wish we remain the kids we are and keep holding the love we have for one another.'

I felt my eyes water as I excused myself once more, I went out to the hallway looking for you. I shouldn't be and I'm glad you weren't there because the love was still there.

We're still the kids we used to be

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