Chpt 14: Im still falling for you.

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How can you sit here like nothing, how can you hold eye contact knowing I was the one I wanted you? How can you sit with him after everything you did? Does this even sit right with you? Do you care on how I feel?

The scotch stung my lips leaving a bitter taste, I knew I needed to slow down but what about the love we held for one another. My head goes completely insane because in my head the visions never stop, I feel like I hold you ever night but it's just a super cut of us.

I held my gaze on you as I felt my heart sting with love, I keep trying to talk about us while in slow motion I'm watching our love. Come home back to my heart, love me the way you love him tonight I'm tired of these visions playing in my head. You felt my gaze I know you did but you never once looked up to face what you caused of me, "I'm leaving." I put my now empty glass on the table and everyone's eyes met mine but yours you looked everywhere but at me.

"Y/n!" I yelled but you couldn't hear it, why? Because I screamed in my head I screamed looking right at you with everyone in this room but no one heard it because I was screaming in my head for you, I sighed and walked out of this dinner not wanting another second of the same air as you. "Yoongi." Your voice soft fills the empty hall of the restaurant, I stop and shook my head I looked over at you and you smiled.
Don't do that, your smile can kill me with how beautiful it is. It'll become another vision in my mind that'll drive me more insane then I already am, I'm trying to love you but you're loving someone else. That is the hardest thing for a person in this world, loving someone who is loving someone else.

You stepped forward and hugged me, I froze while your touch burned into my body while you were pressed against me your head rested on my shoulder, everything imprinting into my skin and mind as I felt myself go insane under your touch but I took it I wrapped my arms around you and took in your signature scent.

Now I just wanna stay here and fall into midnight, I don't want nobody else now, only you, because it all feels right. I let go once you do while you words filled the halls once again, "Thank you for loving me and letting me love Taehyung. I appreciate you so much yoongi." We held eye contact for the longest and all I could say was a simple, "I'm glad I'm apart of one of your love stories." You smiled and nodded I felt my eyes water because our love was one sided and you felt nothing and I felt everything, I embraced you one more time as you hugged back.

And just like that, you are all for me, you are all I need, you are I want but I can't have you. I watched you walk away your hair falling perfectly on your back while you heels click against the floor leaving a fading echo. Your image imprinting into my mind once again.

I'm still falling for you.

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