Chapter 2~ the castle

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Y/N was escorted into the castle by royal guards, only catching a glimpse of the large exterior, due to the crowding.

"Wow... this castle sure is giant..." Y/N mumbled to themself, as they entered the door to Farquaad's home, "I really can't believe I'm..." Y/N trailed off, as they caught a glimpse of something that caught their attention. The 'something' was a poster, which stated that all magical creatures and objects should be brought to royal guards for a reward.
"Boy... i sure do hope they aren't hurting anybody..." Y/N mumbled again, but their train of thought was interrupted, rudely, by Lord Farquaad himself.

"Oh, Y/N, I sure do hope you're admiring the sights, not many people get to see my humble home this close. You're very lucky." Farquaad chuckled again, and Y/N found themself blushing.

Y/N was brought harshly into the throne room located in the castle, and the guards slowly filtered out, leaving Lord Farquaad and Y/N alone. They tried all they could, but their eyes felt drawn to the man, the dreamiest man in all the kingdom. Lucy was right, Y/N couldn't resist him.

"Y/N, stop daydreaming. If you want to stay with me, and not be thrown in the dungeon, you will have to abide by what i say. Is that clear?" He strutted to his throne, and carefully put on a golden, shining and utterly perfect crown, yet, the shining crown only made Farquaad seem more dreamier to Y/N.

"That is clear, your Majesty." Y/N bowed, and Lord Farquaad noticed Y/N's choice in clothes that day.

"Oh my, my first order will be to... get changed into some new clothes, they look disgusting. Now, hurry, shoo shoo! The walk in wardrobe is three doors to the left, upstairs." He turned and walked gracefully out of the room.

"I thought he was just a Lord, and he has a crown? He must be full of himself..." Y/N ran down the corridor and up the stairs, eager to see the clothes that awaited her in the walk-in closet, "though, I'm not complaining if he's full of himself, I still think he's dreamy." They opened the door to the wardrobe, and gasped in surprise, "wow...! I've never seen this many outfits before!"

A few hours later, Y/N returned downstairs, in an entirely new and unique outfit, they wore a red velvet dress, that flowed behind them as they made their way down the stairs, "Lord Farquaad, your highness, Ive changed!"

Lord Farquaad was busy reading through a scroll, but turned to look at Y/N. He looked pleasantly suprised, "My my, i've never set my eyes on something more pretty in my entire life."

"Lord Farquaad... you're staring into the mirror, I'm stood in the doorframe." They smiled and laughed as Lord Farquaad turned and looked at them instead.

"I knew that, and you look ok too, I guess." He went back to reading, and ushered for Y/N to get out of the room.

Y/N trudged back up the corridor with a sigh, "his status is too high for someone like me. For i'm just a lowly peasant, whatever will i do to make him fall for me...?"

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