Chapter 6~ why?

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Y/N stumbled down the stairs that morning, landing on the oak wood ground with a loud thud, "ugh... today is just not my day..." They scrambled to their feet, just as Farquaad came running to them.

"My dear Y/N, are you ok?"

"Yes thanks. It was just a trip, I'm clumsy." Lord Farquaad held their hands in his, Lord Farquaad had began to focus less on himself and more on Y/N, which they appreciated, "anyway my lord, what are you planning to do today?"

"Well Y/N, there are some... things... I have to take care of. After all, I'm sure you can entertain yourself today."

Y/N nodded, "I can, I was hoping you'd stay... but it must be important."

"And it is, my dear Y/N. Now ta ta." He walked out of the door gracefully, giving Y/N a playful smirk as he exited.

'I wonder what he's doing.' Y/N thought to themself, as they went into the courtyard to listen to bird song, Y/N was very appreciative of nature, "I do hope he returns soon... he's always away now and I hardly ever see him anymore. It's always 'you can entertain yourself', and he never thinks how I feel..."

Y/N sat down on a bench, quite cross with Farquaad now, "he's amazing, but awful with time management." They grumbled and tried looking around to calm themself and that's when they saw it, a huge poster was being put up in and out of the courtyard. In the middle of the poster was Farquaad's face, and around the outside it had the warning, 'bring all magical creatures to me. If you're found hiding magical creatures or items, you will be punished with accordingly.'

"So this is what he went to do?! He's hurting and punishing innocent people?!" Y/N stood up in anger, and ran inside. They grabbed their rucksack and ran out to find Lord Farquaad, "I would like to have a word with that man." Y/N picked up their pace to a sprint, as they saw Farquaad, "why are you punishing innocent magical creatures, Farquaad-?!"

"I'm just riding my kingdom of abnormal things. Like those... ogres. Why?" He looked up toward Y/N."

"You're so caught up in your power now! You're not the Farquaad I know and love." Y/N threw their rucksack to the floor, "I wish you weren't a Lord."

"But... you know how much the power means to me..." Y/N saw tears trickle down Farquaad's cheeks and get caught in his dreamy stubble, they knew they'd messed up, "why would you say that...?"

'How am i supposed to fix this...?' Y/N thought to themself, as they saw Farquaad run into the woods, crying.

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