Chapter 5~ Times gone by

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"Y/N, what are you looking at? You're transfixed." Lord Farquaad became impatient and curious.

"Oh... nothing!" Y/N span around, suspiciously.

"Well... okay. I'll be downstairs, Y/N." He was then carried by butlers out of his room, and down the many corridors and staircases.

"Where on earth did he get my picture from...? My child pictures, too..." They were holding pictures in their hands, there were many, and all of them were of Y/N as a child. They had found them in Farquaad's dresser, "that... that's creepy..." Y/N mumbled, and turned them over in their hands, "has... he been stalking me...?" They came to a horrible conclusion, Lord Farquaad had stalked them. All throughout their childhood. Either that, or he decided to track down their child pictures, which would be equally as odd.

Y/N sat on the master bed, flicking through the photos, getting more and more uncomfortable with every picture they saw, "this is so weird... words can't describe how i'm feeling right now..." Y/N threw the pictures away out of anger, and they buried their head into the pillow, "why would Farquaad do such a thing..."

"Y/N, why on earth are you throwing my things around?!" Came a familiar voice- Lord Farquaad.

"Because thats me as a child! You stalked me!" Y/N then stormed out of the room, they were mad, something very unusual for them.

"Huh?" He went over and picked the many pictures up, "these are of my childhood friend, I took them. How could they accuse me, amazing me, flawless me, of such an awful thing!"

Y/N ran into the courtyard, and sat under a tree. It was a cherry blossom tree, though it was pretty, it was the place Y/N sat down and began to cry.

When they were asked by many passing people if they were ok, Y/N only nodded and mumbled about Farquaad being a liar.

"Y/N! Y/N! My dear Y/N!" Came yells, and Farquaad came running to the rescue, "my dear Y/N, you see, I didn't stalk you, I took those pictures of my childhood friend... meaning you are my childhood friend."

Y/N was astonished at this news, "I was your what...? I don't remember having a childhood friend..."

"You randomly disappeared one day, without explanation, I missed you so much." Lord Farquaad's plead seemed very dreamy to Y/N, and Y/N took pleasure in hearing it.

"I'm shocked... my Ma never told me this..." They continued to mumble.

"Your Ma doesn't matter right now, I was fabulous as a child and I still am. So i can't believe she didn't say anything." Lord Farquaad sat next to Y/N, and smiled slightly as they laughed, "I knew that I saw you before."

"It's surprising but it's good, Im definitely not complaining. If anything, this should make us closer." Y/N locked eyes with Lord Farquaad, and they both leant in, also locking lips in a passionate kiss. Both of their faces filled with blush, and Y/N ran their fingers through Farquaad's hair happily.

They pulled away minutes later, though both were flustered and Y/N was giggling out of anxiousness, "and... I wasn't expecting that either-"

"The magic mirror said that would happen... I'm glad it came true, my princess." Lord Farquaad smirked and then ran his fingers through Y/N's hair in return.

Things were great for the couple, both had a past together, and both were happy with each other and this new information. Everything seemed happy, everything seemed perfect, especially Farquaad, and it definitely didn't seem as if anything could destroy the relationship... or could it...?

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