Chapter 10~ the disaster

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Y/N decided on a theme, it would be: Lord Farquaad.

"It's wonderful, he's obsessed with himself! I don't blame him though," Y/N said to themself, admiring the party layout.

"This will be perfect, my darling Y/N," Preminger exclaimed, happily, "now only 2 days to go..."

~2 days later~

Y/N came downstairs in a beautiful dress, which flowed onto the ground behind them. It was a beautiful light pink, with a dark pink rose pattern to match.

After Y/N, Preminger also came downstairs. He wore a purple ball gown, which was puffy and flowed beautifully.

"Oh my lord, you two are so gorgeous!" Lord Farquaad exclaimed, taking both their hands and kissing them individually.

"Thankyou, love," they said together, giggling.

"Now let's go dance! Thankyou for arranging this," Lord Farquaad smiled sexily.

"You're welcome~" Preminger twirled his hair playfully, whilst still giggling (teehee).

Lord Farquaad gave him a knowing smile before they all entered the main hall together. The kingdom was engaging in song, whilst prancing around merrily all together. Though, the room went silent as the royal throuple entered, followed by many gasps in the crowd.

"They're all so sexy..."

"I love them!"

"Lord Farquaad is my idol..."

"Preminger's mine!"

"Y/N is so... so... pretty..."

Whispers such as those were carried throughout the crowd, repeated with different volume, until it became loud chatter again.

"Silence please!" Lord Farquaad tapped on a fancy champagne glass, smiling gleefully, "this party... it's very special to me. My boyfriend and partner are stood beside me and they've planned this whole thing, which I am truly blessed for. I am very happy to announce that I am happy, as my partners are too. Things have never been better for this kingdom, nor for the three of us. We are extremely pleased everyone could be here today, even if you were threatened if you did not attend, so thankyou. Thankyou for coming! And thankyou to my beautiful loves for planning this wonderful event."

"You're welcome darling," Preminger kissed Lord Farquaad's cheek and smiled, things had never been better.

"And in celebration of things never being better, I also have something to say," Y/N stood up, tears in their eyes, "you two have made me the happiest I've ever been, will you marry me?" Y/N got down on one knee, holding out two ring boxes, each holding matching rings. The rings had purple and red jewels and each ring was a beautiful golden colour.

"Oh my god, yes!" They both said, tears in their eyes, as they hugged Y/N. Things were truly the best they'd ever been.

Suddenly, the hall door swung open and Shrek came storming in. He was angry, Y/N could tell. He came up to Lord Farquaad, and shouted, "this is what your fiancé gets for messing with my fairytale kind!" He snapped the arm off of the ice statue and plunged the icicle into Preminger's stomach (his abs were hard to pierce, but Shrek managed it).

Preminger shrieked in pain and dropped to the floor whilst Shrek stormed out, just as angrily. The guests were screaming as they looked down at a dying Preminger.

"Premmy!" Lord Farquaad dropped down to his knees beside Preminger and cried, holding him in his arms. Y/N also dropped to their knees, sobs racking their body.

"Oh no... no... don't die," Y/N mumbled, as Preminger's eyes began to close.

"I love... you... both..." Preminger then closed his eyes and his breathing stopped.

Lord Farquaad and Y/N refused to move from his side, despite them now sitting in a pool of blood. It was heartbreaking to see their fiancé lay there, blood dripping from his limp body.

"No!" Lord Farquaad screamed, "no! This can't be!" The hall was in silence, only the screams of Farquaad and the sobs of Y/N could be heard.

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