Chapter 11~ the funeral

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A few days later, Preminger was lay to rest near the castle, whilst Lord Farquaad and Y/N mourned the loss of their beloved.

It was devastating, the kingdom weeped and grieved for the fallen star that they loved so dearly. Dressed in black -the castle was upset- and within the walls, the mood was sombre.

"I miss him so much," Y/N buried their head into Farquaad's muscular, topless body as they weeped, "I can't believe he's gone..."

"I know, my love, but he's with us in there," he lay his hand on Y/N's chest, where their heart is, full of love for their partners, "we will go through this together honey, it's so hard."

Tears welled up in his eyes as he continued to talk, voice raw with emotion, "and we will still get married, and honour Premmy, like he would want to be," this made Farquaad sob, tears trickling down his delicate cheeks, as Y/N wiped them carefully away.

"We will get married still, I promise," Y/N looked up at Farquaad, his onyx locks draped haphazardly over his smooth skin, "you look so handsome..." he was wearing black clothing, the midnight tones exposing his toned chest; chiselled abs peeking shyly through the fabric. The tears dampened his youthful skin, and highlighted his sky-coloured eyes (they looked as if the oceans had been captured within them).

"If you say so, my love," the last of his tears fell, "I just wish Premmy hadn't perished in such an awful manner, at such a happy time in our lives too."

"I couldn't wish for anything more right now," Y/N replied, her voice wavering now, "but as you said, we will get through this together..."

"...And we will bring that green monster to justice, if it's the last thing I do," Farquaad finished, a blazing fury hovering in his eyes.

Yet, as he finished, a servant rushed through the door, "Sir, Y/N's title, we have an issue!" His voice was raised, alarm evident in his tone.

"Can't you see we're mourning?" Lord farquaad suggested, hinting for the servant to leave, his innocent soul now covered with an angry facade.

"Sir, it's a visitor, you might want to hear her out..." he stood to the side, and the visitor walked through the now open door...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2023 ⏰

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