Foursome Enjoyment

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Another headcanon with Satomi again and with the girl to Sayaka's right (I named her Miki). I would've done Ayaka because she actually has a name, but she's the only character with a confirmed design and personality, and I couldn't come up with a good plot because of it. Another note, this chapter is based more on Satomi and Miki.

Sayaka: "When is she coming over?"

Makoto: "You ok?"

Sayaka: "Yeah. Satomi's coming over again."

Makoto: "She is?"

Sayaka: "Yeah, she enjoys this kind of thing."

The doorbell ringed and Sayaka ran to get the door. Satomi was standing there with a bag of toys, and to Sayaka's surprise, a smaller girl with a blindfold.

Satomi: "Hope you don't mind, but I brought my GF over!"

Miki: "I'm still nervous about this you know."

Sayaka: "Wait, Miki!?"

Miki: "Hi Sayaka, Satomi kinda dragged me into this..."

Satomi: "I've never heard you complain when I-"

Miki: "Satomi! Not so loud!"

Satomi: "See why I love her? She's a cutie!"

Miki: "Mmm!"

Miki was already getting flustered.

Sayaka: "Is she prepared for this kind of thing?"

Satomi: "Well we've done it before, just not with an actual dick. But when I saw you offered a threesome, I thought this would be a good idea to improve her stamina."

The two guided Miki to the bedroom as Makoto sat down, waiting. It was then the three of them walked in the door.

Sayaka: "Guess we have an unexpected visitor!"

Makoto: "Is, that Miki?"

Miki: "H-Hi Makoto!"

Makoto: "So wait, can I get a recap of what's going on?"

Satomi took off Miki's blindfold.

Satomi: "Welp, me and Miki here started dating for only a week and a half. So when Sayaka offered to do a threesome again, I wanted to help her with her stamina."

Miki: "I'm s-still nervous..."

Satomi: "Don't worry babe, you'll do great."

Satomi gave her a kiss and Miki returned.

Sayaka: "I wasn't actually expecting a forth here, so I don't have any plans..."

Satomi: "Don't worry, I planned for Miki here to go first."

Miki panicked as she was not expecting her to say that.

Miki: "E-Eh!? H-Hold on I'm not sure I can do this!"

Satomi: "Don't worry, this time's all about you. Ok?"

Miki was still nervous.

Satomi: "Here, I'll hold your hand this time ok? If you ever feel like you can't do it, you don't have to."

Miki calmed down and hugged Satomi.

Miki: "Ok, I'll do it for you!"

Satomi: "That's my girl!"

Satomi started stripping Miki down as the others began stripping themselves down as well. Sayaka went over to rub Makoto's cock and harden it, at the same time Satomi was lubing Miki's ass.

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