Slytherin Princess ( Harry Potter: Severus Snape fanfic)

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Slytherin Princess

Chapter one:

Her hands shook violently. Her hair dirtied from months of bein unwashed, though you could make out it's golden hues. Her eyes big, the grey was depressing as they were full of sorrow. She did not move far as she stood in the cold rain covered park. She hid on a bench under a grand oak. Her light lairs were too big for her tiny form. She was young and sunken in. It was ashame to see such a youthful face with no childhood chub nor color. No mirth in her eyes only sorrow of her past. Tears welled up within them as she watched dispairingly after a small family.

One little girl with blonde curly hair. An innocent smile plastered on her face. Her mother and father smiling gaily down upon her. They had just walked out of a book shop. She felt green fill her vision as she stared in envy of the little family. Hidden away was this child who desperately longed for a family, a home... anyone who would just take her in. She wanted to be happy, to be innocent like that girl. But most of all she wanted to be loved by another. She wanted a person to tuck her in at night and to treat her like gold unlike many had before.

She was pushed from her day dreaming when someone violently slammed into her small form of 4'7". She stumbled and fell over into a pile of muck. Her hands scraping as she tried to regain her balance. She began to tremble shocked. She looked up at the person who had knocked her. She looked up with tears in her eyes and a jutted out lip. She was filthy now and knew she had no way to wash. She would need to go out in the rain.

"Why you insolent child!" A deep voice snarled.

The little girl looked up with silent invisible tears rolling down her proscalin skin. 'I'm an idiot,' The girl thought as she tried to remain quiet. Her gaze could not help take the man in. From his black shoes and black billowing robes as she would think they were, he was completely dark. His skin stark white and his eyes an ebony. His hair was black and greasy and he had a dark scowl upon his face lines creasing where they sat.

"Well what do you have to say for yourself?" He demanded coolly.

The small girl began to wail right then. Her eyes and cheeks became puffy and right then the dark man realized the rain had come down harder with this sudden out cry from the child. He also realized the girl had not answered him.

"Fine do not answer me, go home where you belong." He snared walking past her through the mud splashing some on her yet again.

The man waited for her to get up but she did not. She remained in the mud crying from his cruelty to her. She averted her gaze from him. Her dirty matted bangs curtained her vision blocking her into her own world -or so she hoped. He snarled seeing she was disobeying his wish. Oh how he wished to force her home with magic but not on muggle child, it could risk more than she was worth.

"Did you hear me?" He hissed venomously.

She shook in her fear. She looked up tears pouring freely now. "I have none." She mumbled to the man as best she could, her throat hoarse from lack of water.

The man stopped then and looked to the ground with the child in view. 'No do not...' He groaned in his head. Though something in him nagged him to. But he couldn't help it then... "Well then get up. Come on you filthy child come with me."

He snipped a little less colder but still stiff. The child froze in shock then. Her eyes looked up confused. She was filthy but why would he want her to come with him. A much richer man than she. She stood shakily hoping not to anger him. She stood shaken but she did well. Her stomach was hollow and grumbled softly. She was able to ignore it and so did he for now.

She looked up as he held out his hand to guide her. She was cautious as she should be. She awaited the beatings and the ridicule she knew would come. She waited for him to beat her, and tease her like everyone else yet what came next surprised her. "I will not bite," He said curtly as if a joke. She tried to warm to this.

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