First Times

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Chapter 2:

The morning came simply in the london home. Briar yawned and smiled remembering the night before. Not only had she been given a home but a school too. Deep in though she feared the idea of school. Briar smiled brightly for once only to be intruded by her stomach. She sighed and stood silently.

Briar quickly stripped of her green pajama's and went to the dresser where she had placed her clothes. She found a few new clothes now oddly enough. She grabbed a grey top and slipped a green jumper on. She slid another black pair of pants on and white socks. Her hair she decided to braid again but with a green ribbon she found. She had all the colors of the rainbow. All she needed now was shoes. She found some black flats and slipped them on.

A knock came from her door and she opened it quickly ready for the day. Severus was impressed by the child being ready. He just nodded and motioned for her to follow him. They ate breakfast quietly and then went to the fire place.

"Sir why are we at the fire place?" She asked curiously.

Severus just grabbed her and some floo and shouted out Diagon Alley.

Briar screamed a bit and stumbled when they appeared in a busy street full of people dressed like Severus Snape. He began to walk with her hand in his. People stared but Severus did not care. Briar did not question why people stared at her in such away, almost in awe or disgust. Briar gulped seeing some people. Though she held her tongue. Severus stopped in front of a store then.

"Robes, you need them for school." He stated.

Briar nodded and followed him in. He scanned the room that held robes of many sizes in black then in many shades of the rainbow. Severus found an elder woman who stood tall with a measuring tape around her neck she was in purple robes herself. Her eyes shone with life but also with distaste of Severus it seemed.

"Hello Snape, odd having you here," She greeted politely. Briar could tell it was almost forced.

"Indeed Madame Malkin. I though come looking for school robes for young Briar here." Snape stated curtly.

Madame Malkin nodded and looked to the girl. "Hmm she is fretfully small but I can make robes no doubt for her. Do you know her measurements?" She asked.

Snape nodded. Briar was surprised at this. "I do, she is a small mostly. Standing at 4'7" and weighs only 70 pounds. I need at least four to five school uniforms for her." He stated again.

Madam Malkin got to work and soon in minutes brought out new robes. Severus handed her some galloens and they were off again. Next were books, then Severus would send her to Olivanders for her wand. He would ger the rest of what she needed.

They came to a store called Flourish and Blotts. She giggled at the name it was odd like a lot here on this street. Snape led her towards all the first year books she would need. He began to pick up her needed texts. Briar found a few that caught her attention. Hogwarts a History. She also found a few books about potions. She looked into the history of magical creatures and many more. She picked them up and went to see Snape with her stake of books.

She was about to see him when she crashed right into a boy with red hair. Beside him two more red headed boys. With dishevelled looks from the bumping.

"Oh!" Briar cried out in shock. Her books had fallen everywhere and she was on her bottom.

The two identical boys were surprised by her, the smaller one but still bigger glanced down with wide blue eyes in shock. "I -I'm sorry." He stammered turning red in the face.

Slytherin Princess ( Harry Potter: Severus Snape fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant