Chapter 3: What's in the Box?

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Chapter 3: The box and Malfoy.

Briar POV:

"So miss Briar, tell me, where should we start? Robes, maybe something extra for you? A new dress robe or something?" Nan asked with her brow quirked and a sly grin upon her face.

I giggled and looked to where we had come to a stop. The hustle and bustle passed us with ease. We were beside a window, many books were piled around and there were many people in robes looking at many. Flourish and Botts! I could use a new book or two. Luna had written to me about some dragons earlier this summer... Luna! That's who I need to write, I hadn't received an owl in about two months. I gulped, I was the last one to send the letter after all. We had just returned after all. I had to owl Draco as well. I hadn't seen anyone in so long.

I glanced into the window of the book store. I met a familiar pair of grey eyes, blond hair was cut short and for once not back combed with gel. It was looser and almost fell into his face. I chuckled at the sort of black robes he wore only his emerald shirt gave some colour to his outfit. I waved as I blushed. Draco had grown a bit. He didn't look as chubby faced as last year. He gave a small smile.

"Briar, are you listening?" Nan queried, her hand on my shoulder.

"No sorry, I just saw one of my house mates and friend, Draco." I pointed into the window. Nan followed it, I watched some sort of shock contort her face a bit. Her grey hair was escaping her bun.

"A Malfoy?" She breathed.

"Yes, Draco Malfoy, I'm a year behind him, even though we were born in the same year." I huffed.

Nan chuckled and nodded to the door. "Well then let's go get your books for school first then. I know you love books almost as much as Irma. She used to drag me through the stacks for all of the books she could get."

"Well now she gets to work with them, which is cool." I added.

"Do you know what you want to be when you get older?" Nan queried. I paused just as we entered the store. I turned to her and scrunched up my nose.

"Well —I —I haven't got that far." I pulled on my braid. "I don't know. I'm only twelve. I don't know much about magical careers. I just wanted a job."

Nan nodded. "I think you need a few extra books for this year. Like some career planning for your future classes at Hogwarts, it won't belong until you take your NEWTs. I will collect those, why don't you go find your friend."

She disappeared among some shelves. I turned back to the window where Draco was standing with an older gentleman. His black robes were expensive looking with silk lapels and a dragon hide vest, his shoes looked to be dragon hide as well. I pursed my lips. The white blond hair was long and tied with a ribbon. The familiar cane gave away Mr. Malfoy. Draco's gaze drifted, and spotted me. He grinned and tapped his father's arm. Both sets of grey eyes were on me. Mr. Malfoy gave a smile. His cool gaze sized me up. I wasn't in robes like a lot of them. I was in summer clothes Nan had chosen.

"Briar!" Draco ran to me. He quickly threw his arms around me. I giggled and hugged him back. "You saved me from a lecture." He whispered.

"Good to see you too." I snarked before pulling back. "How was your summer?"

"Good, good, we travelled to France and went to Germany to see family." He paused. "You sound funny. Are you ill?"

"No I was in Canada for a whole summer nearly, besides the wedding everything was in Canada." I rolled my eyes. "I'll be back to normal soon, Nan says I pick up accents easily."

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