SPPOA: Chapter 1: The Letter from Gringotts

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Briar POV:

I watched as my blonde hair began to braid itself in my mirror. My bangs were split in two down the middle. I sat at my vanity as each strand twisted in and out. In the mirror I saw from my wardrobe my clothes were arranging themselves. My wand sat on my vanity untouched. It was a beautiful wand don't get me wrong but this was just so much easier. I wasn't going to be allowed to do this for nearly ten month when I go to Hogwarts. I needed to stretch my magic, wands were tricky I tired to keep it up for Daddy. It's just so hard. I pointed up to the t-shirt and denim pants they were currently about to put away. 

"That one." I snapped my fingers twice. 

The outfit made it's way to the bed. Along side the daunting Victoria's Secret bag from Mum. She'd generously gone shopping for me in the muggle world when she was in Toronto. I had all but blushed. Dad had reddened himself and had a coughing fit. There are just somethings I didn't want to see, panties made of lace were one of them! I couldn't stop blushing the whole trip! Mum's mom, Nan, had all but pulled me through the store happily. I had met Nan on our trip to Canada. 

A knock at the door echoed out. I quickly took hold of the tie that fixed itself to the end of my hair. I stopped my socks floating mid air. I threw them onto my feet.

"Come in!" I called.

The door opened right away. Behind it, Nan herself stood. She was a woman in her mid sixties. Her plump face was like that of Mum's she had the same straight nose, but had blue eyes and white hair. She was dressed in a pair of knee length khaki shorts. Her blouse was a light pink colour. Her slippers were really fluffy. She zoomed in on me her hands threw up as she came in towards me.

"Briar, my sweet! I was about to come ask if you needed help. It seems you've got yourself all figured out." She trilled from beside me. "You're like your Mum already. Like to do your hair first, then the outfit. My dear!" 

She gasped looking at the outfit. "It's going to be thirty degrees out, you're going to swelter in those pants. Try some shorts. I don't get why all you British are into long outfits to cover up. Is it always raining as they say? It has been quite a few years since I've been there..." 

"At home there always seems to be rain." I shrugged. "We're going to Diagon Alley today for shopping. It's going to be cold." 

Nan retorted. "It's hardly even the end of August! Is there snow?" 


"There are such things as coats. I find it hard to believe that the British wizarding world has forgone the simplistic things." Nan rolled her eyes.

I couldn't help but laugh. "They are a little funny. They use a spell for an umbrella. Why not just wear a waterproof coat." 

Nan was a witch herself, but she was removed from many. Her home sat up in the forests of Canada. She enjoyed her cottage by Lake Ontario, that was hidden from muggles. She had come back with us last week to do school shopping with me. She was a funny woman who enjoyed the muggle world in Canada. She was a half blood witch raised by her pureblood mother. Her views on the world was delightful. We felt the same over the silly belief of blood status. She said it was as silly as skin colour. I had listened to Draco enough times. I didn't like it. We all bleed red don't we? All of us end up in the same place in the end. Nan had explained. She grabbed a skirt for me and handed it to me. She smiled and stepped out.

It was black and the top was the same grey t-shirt. I shrugged and slipped it on. It looked alright. I glanced down and flushed. I looked between that darn bag and myself. I closed my eyes and shot my hand in. Feeding those spiders last year was easier than this. I snapped my fingers. I'm not putting this on myself. I cringed. The thing whipped on and I gasped. I stepped into my shoes and opened the door.

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