Heir meets Heir.

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Chapter 19: The Heir meets Heir

Briar Rose POV:

Harry walked through first, he seemed mesmerized with each step. I followed slowly after. The chamber was long and dimly lit like the Slytherin common room. It had Slytherin written all over it. The towering stone pillars were entwined with more serpents they raised to support the ceiling I couldn't see. The place had a lot of greenish dark gloom about them. I cringed away from them a bit.

My heart pounded as I scuttled closer to Harry. It was eerily too quiet. The Basilisk could be any where. Harry glanced about for Ginny. He grabbed his wand out. I followed him in step between the pillars. I stayed aware. I was prepared to wish what I needed. My heart stammered painfully against my chest. I'm sorry Dad, I'm no Gryffindor. I can't be brave.

It'd be too late to flee anyways as I smacked into Harry. "Sorry." I steadied him.

He nodded but was too focused on what was in front of us. I whipped my gaze up and gulped. A giant statue of a man. Hollow eyes glared down at us. His stone robes didn't cover his feet. I followed it down, at the base laid a black robed figure with familiar bright hair.

"Ginny!" Harry whispered out. He ran to her, he dropped to his knees shaking her. "Ginny! Don't be dead! Please don't be dead."

I slowly approached watching the darkness. My neck hairs stood on edge as I continued forward. Harry turned Ginny over. I hurried up and stood over her. Harry threw his wand. I was about to go retrieve it when I saw her face. She looked like one of the ghosts. Her lips losing colour each passing second. Her chest rose with shallow breaths. She wasn't petrified.

"Ginny please wake up." Harry muttered shaking her arm. Ginny's body was like a rag doll as he shook her.

I gulped. "Harry I-"

"She won't wake up." A soft voice interrupted.

We both turned around. A boy, tall with black hair was leaning on a near by pillar. Where had he come from? He was blurred around the outline. What was he? Who was he? How did he get down here? Was he trapped down here?

I glanced to Harry, something flickered in his green eyes. "Tom -Tom Riddle?"

The boy, Riddle nodded. Why was that name familiar? I couldn't quite put a finger on it but it seemed familiar. The boy didn't seem to acknowledge me as he watched Harry.

"What'd you mean, she won't wake?" Harry asked. He seemed to trust this boy."She's not -She's not -"

He was dressed in Slytherin Robes. He had the Prefect badge. There was still something off. We shared a house but Gryffindors don't trust us. Why did Harry trust this Riddle fellow? I slid my wand up my sleeve, just in case. I remained silent stepping away.

"She's still alive," he said. "But only just."

Harry stared back at him now. I could see wheels turning in his head past his mess of black hair. I turned to watch Riddle. He was just off. I stepped once more back.

"Are you a ghost?" Harry asked.

"A memory," Riddle corrected. "Preserved in a diary for fifty years."

He pointed to the book at the feet of the giant statue. What was going on right now? I looked to Ginny. She seemed to go paler if that was even possible.

"Harry, we've got to get Ginny out of here." I whispered over to him.

It would be difficult for both of us to move Ginny. She was bigger than me in height. I still was quite short despite being older than Ginny. Harry only was a little bigger than her we'd struggle to get her up let alone up. Harry came to my side to help.

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