Petrifying Discoveries.

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A/N: Le gasp! An update so soon?

Briar POV:

"Briar!" Luna called airily as I entered the great hall.

I barely sat down before she was jumping on me. I raised my brow curiously to her. Luna never exactly jumped on people often.

"Yes?" I asked grabbing some toast.

"Did you hear? Everyone is talking of it!" She pattered on. "It's quite hard to believe nothing appeared from it sooner! A whole week and no one spoke of it until today!"

"What in heavens are you going on about?" I asked putting my hands on her shoulders to keep her somewhat down.

"There has been another attack!" Luna exclaimed.

"Who was it this time? I thought the beast might of settled. Isn't five enough? Who ever thinks this is a joke doesn't realize it isn't funny." I grumbled biting my lip. "I mean how long has it been since someone died because of this?"

"Fifty years I hear." Draco spoke up sitting next to us. "I don't know who opened it is a good thing. It'll clean up this place of filthy mud-bloods."

I bit the side of my cheek at that. Mud-bloods or not they still didn't deserve death. I shook my head turning to Luna. "Who was attacked this time?"

"They are saying it was a Gryffindor second year, Hermione Granger." Luna answered.

"Odd, I saw her just the other day..." My brows furrowed now. When had it been? A week? Indeed it was Christmas Day she hadn't been present for dinner!

"Good riddance." Draco scoffed. "They said a mud-blood died back when it was first opened. I was hoping it would be Granger."

Draco's friends laughed in agreement. I glared at Draco. "Could you stop it? Do you have any idea what you are implying?" I snapped.

I stood up pushing my tray away and stormed out. I ran down the halls with the soft thumps of feet behind me. They were too light to be male. Most likely Luna. I kept running, I stopped until I reached the abandoned school bathroom. Luna closed the door behind her as I went to the closest mirror.

"Merlin he and almost every Slytherin pure-blood is getting on my nerves!" I hissed out.

"About?" Luna asked softly.

"The damn wishing of Mud-bloods dead!" I snapped. "None of them understand the effects of wishing someone death."

"You've seen people die?" Luna asked call coming to place her hand upon my shoulder.

"Not fully, I do however know what it is like to have people want you dead. To treat you as if you are nothing, I wasn't named Luna. I was left nameless. I ran away at s young age. I lived in homes for two years. I then remained on the street. I was never named by my parents because they died in a house fire. I didn't know them. I -I grew up a muggle. I only knew of this world because Severus found me. Briar Rose is the name of a princess in a folklore. I only recently found out I came from a pure blood family." I admitted feeling tears roll down my cheeks.

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