First Day Part 1

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Chapter four:

               Severus Snape POV:

               I had entered my quarters with Briar in my arms. Her weight was shocking still to feel. I had carried heavier bags of ingredients into my potions room. I set Briar on the couch lightly before I turned to my stone walls. I sighed, I had two rooms. One bathroom and a bedroom, it was the obvious it was only a teacher’s lounge quarters. I was single so there was really no need for anyone else. Usually the married professors had their own homes. I preferred to live in the dungeons. I picked up my wand and quickly conjured a door and quickly added another room.

               I made sure to have a bed for her, big enough to hold her small form and soft enough for her to sleep. I made the room green and look like that of a Slytherin room. I made sure her things were in the room from the Slytherin common room. I got her personal things sorted and finally turned back to a sleeping Briar. Her blonde hair around her in curls now and she looked so peaceful upon my black couch. I knew she had to move, or she would ache in the morning. I felt something within I had not in years. My heart swelling as she slept soundly. Briar was an angelic child it seemed. She was brilliant, she did not infuriate me like some know it all children. Her eyes were full of curiosity and she wished to learn. I had learned much from this little child.

               I could not believe though what she had been through, her condition I had found her in made me want to hunt down the muggles that did this to her. She was so weak and starved it hurt to see. Her weight was on the verge of deathly I was surprised the child had not been brought to a hospital. Though I could understand the need to run from it, she would be brought back to the orphanage. I walked over and picked Briar up from the couch and led her into her room. She stirred luckily then.

               “Uh…” She gurgled turning in my arms as I set her on her bed. “Severus!” She gasped straightening herself out and looked up a little fearful. “I’m sorry,”

               “It is fine Briar, why don’t you get dressed into your night clothes as I get some tea for us. You have nothing to apologize for Briar.” I said standing from her bed.

               Briar nodded with color in her cheeks. I nodded back and walked from her room closing her door to give her privacy. I made my way to the kitchen and flicked my wrist to start the tea on the stove. I got two mugs from the cabinet and set them on the table. I made my way to the sitting room with my book in hand to wait for the tea.

               In a few minutes the tea was done and Briar made her way silently from her room to the sitting room. Her blonde locks in two braids, she wore a long night dress with matching white pants. It was a little big and long sleeved but it looked alright on her. Her eyes were a light grey with blue hues. I nodded curtly to the girl and handed her, her tea.

               “Thank you,” she murmured.

               “You are welcome Briar.” I said softer than before. “How was your day?”

               “Alright, the train ride was long. I read Alice in Wonderland, it is a good book. I met a girl named Luna Lovegood she is in Ravenclaw.” Briar informed me with a small crinkle in her brow. “She said something about Nargles, what are those?”

               I chuckled at the news. Lovegood rang a bell in my head, Xenophilius Lovegood creator of the Quibbler. “I know the name, her father owns a magazine per say. Nargles are fictional creatures that take things and cause trouble.” I drawled.

               Briar’s eyebrows knitted together. “She thinks they’re real. I do not understand her, she is smart it is pretty clear since she is in Ravenclaw but she seems so loony.”

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