Dinner at the Malfoys

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Chapter 4: Dinner at the Malfoy's

Severus Snape POV:

Lucius had graciously extended an invitation to a dinner at his manor. I stood in front of my long mirror as I buttoned the last button at my collar. My dress robes were black as usual. It wasn't often Lucius extended such an invitation to myself, this time of year. I wonder what the point was of this meeting. I glanced over to Irma who was fixing her evening dress, a lovely violet that complimented her ivory skin. Her dark locks tied into a low bun. I turned to her as she held up necklaces.

"The silver one suits you." I murmured. 

"Will you put it on me?" She asked meeting my gaze in the mirror. 

"Of course my love." 

"What's on your mind Severus, you never seem so... okay you brood a lot, but you aren't meeting my gaze. What has you in a slump?" She questioned, she turned within my arms and wrapped her arms around my neck. I immediately took hold of her waist.

"You are sometimes too perceptive." I grumbled.

"I must be when watching children, who are always up to something." She chuckled. "Now tell me."

"I am merely wondering why the invitation to dinner. The Malfoy family does not often have random dinners with guests without planning." I replied.

"Our children are close." She reminded.

"Much more than I prefer. It won't be long I fear until Lucius approaches me with a marriage arrangement." I sighed.

"That's such an archaic thought." She scoffed. "They are just children, only friends Severus you are such an over protective father."

"It is archaic to us, because we were raised with a muggle connection. That is not how the sacred twenty-eight act. Whether we like it or not, she is tied to those traditions." 

"Not many know that. Very few know she is a Gaunt and a Nott. No one has inquired into what her blood status is." Irma reassured.

"It won't belong I fear until it comes out. We cannot keep this under wraps long. It doesn't take a magical genius to figure out how to do a simple background check at the ministry." I countered. "Lucius has ties as we know." 

"Briar is not in danger from the Malfoy family, if anything Lucius would only wish to combine our families." She rolled her eyes. "Now lets stop questioning their motives as if they are scheming against us and go over to our friends home for dinner. Briar likes Draco as a friend."

"She is a little girl." I huffed. "My little girl."

"Come on then Papa bear, our daughter awaits." She laughed.

Briar POV:

"She dodges, with a certain finesse, she is agile and can go the distance. She lines up the quaffle, can she make it?" I hurl the ball as hard as I can. It passes Draco by mere seconds. He groans and goes for the Quaffle. "She makes it! Briar is the best!"

I laugh and whip around on my broom towards the middle of the makeshift pitch the Malfoy family has. "Who taught you to do that?" Draco grumbled.

"I got to meet the Canadian Team this summer. Nan is a coach sometimes." I giggled. "Also I'm just naturally talented obviously." 

I threw my braid over my shoulder with a shrug. Draco rolled his eyes but he had a small smile on his lips. "You should try out for the team we've got some openings for some chasers and a beater. You'd make a great chaser. We'd give the Gryffindor team a run for their money that's for sure."

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