I'm Still a Live but Barely Breathing...

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Chapter 6:

Severus POV:

She lied there stretched out on the cot. Her blonde locks tumbled everywhere. I held her green silk ribbon that once held the golden ocean. She breathed very shallow, her body was in a long night gown with a high collar. Her shoulders were revealed from the thick blanket but she remand asleep. I gulped thickly running a hand through my ink hair. Damn it how could I not have known?! Of course this would happen eventually. Four years on the street how could I have been so blind! So naive to her inner termoil.

Madam pomfrey took out a large sringe and injected her with a clear liquid -not.completely clear since it had a pink tint to it. I looked up still dazed to her.

"Relax Severus it is a small concoction of healing potion and muggle medication. She needs it in this case since it is a muggle illness. I have informed the teacher to keep the students at least three cots over. She is rather infectious to some." She sighed placing a delicate hand on his shoulder.

"Poppy when do you suppose she shall awake?" I asked merely above a whisper.

She gave a sympathetic smile. "When the fevor falls. According to my readings it is well above 100F. Precisely 102F better than the 103 of yesterday. Give the girl time Severus her body shall heal."

With that she left me to my thoughts. How idiotic I had become worried over some stupid boy not to notice the decline in my daughter's health! I froze then. I looked upon Briar's sunken in flushed face. Shadows rimmed her eyes. The once greyish blue covered by her clenched lids. Her throat was swollen from what he could hear. Her hands as well. She was sweating prefusely. I couldn't help but take her small hand in mine.

Slowly I whispered an incantation. Her pain filled thoughts hit me. Fear snd horrid dreams plagued her. From the teasing of the street children to the sexual abuse her 'father' forced upon. I snarled ripping from her head. I sat back looking at the seemingly peaceful girl. She is grand at the poker face.

"Briar please relax, he cannot touch you anymore. If -if he did I would torture his sorry fucking -"

"Severus such foul words in a school! In the presence of a minor none the less." An amused voice scolded.

Slowly I turned a little embarrassed to no one other than Dumbledore. "Albus,"

"Relax Severus I won't tell," he chuckled. "But do be careful no matter how vulgar the man was."

I clucked my tongue at that. "I shall try," I stated dryly returning to Briar.

"She is remarkable. Her mind is so advance, do not blame yourself for this severus." Dumbledore assured. "She was sick many times and is used to it sadly she did not know how bad Pnemonia was."

I clenched my hands at this. "It was my fault Albus! For not noticing how sick she was or getting! I am a highly trained wizard yet I was too occupied in other matters to even pay attention to her health! I am to blame for this coma!"

He only chuckled shaking his head. "Severus you fool truly you need to relax she is fighting well. The future holds no deaths. I have faith in her ability. She is a strong witch. Besides this is only the fault of poor weather to an unfortunate girl. You saved her, not condemn her to this near death."

I slumped back defeated in frustration. "None the less I fret."

I cannot help it. She -in the short time I have known her -has grown upon me. Her smile and wit where truly adorable. Her young curiosity and bright soul. She was kind yet snarky. She had a under lying flare to her natural shyness. Her being a Slytherin was excellent as well. Her words of knowledge beyond her years enthralled me. But what got me most was the need to be comforted. The way she curled into a ball to sleep for protection or when she called me Dad. My heart soared at the memory. 'Daddy' a word I thought never to happen.

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