Who is she

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Me and madi was walking around when we saw a random girl eating Berry's. We was standing there when she saw us and started to walk to use but then we ran as fast as we could go. She was trying to get us to stop but we did not we ran till we were at the bear trap. She started to talk again then she stepped into the bear trap madi attacked saying " die flame keeper" then we saw that she was a night blood.

I said " night blood" we ran till she was gone and out of sight(now it is night) we took her stuff and was waiting for her to wake up she did and saw her stuff was gone then saw us and we ran fast.

(The next morning) madi had the spear then speared the fish. When she got it out of the water she said " can you teach me that" we ran away she tried to get use to stop but we did not. She went and sat down at the water she said something but I could not hear her.( few minutes later) she was either writing or drawing when she was finished she put a rock on in and left. We went up to it and found it was a drawing of me and madi. We liked the picture so we took it.


So that was the beginning of this so my Netflix is off right now so when it gets back up I will do more but I can't so sorry I may get somethings wrong cause it's been awhile but I will try to remember bye hope you like it.

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