The war part 2

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We drive up to the wasteland. Me and Madi get out and walk and stand together. We look around as people whisper. Someone says " the hedas is going to save us." We keep looking around. Everyone moves around us.

Madi says " what do we do?"someone says " blodrenia is coming. protect your commanders" people put there guns up. we just stand there.

Me and Madi are scared of what Octavia is going to do.I say " let her pass" they look back at us.

Echo says " hedas, that is not a good—"

Madi says " we said, let her pass."they do and she walks up to us. She flips her sword and sticks it into the ground. And looks up at us. She then bows her head down. We see people putting there guns down. Everyone bows down. We look at everyone.

Me and Madi is sitting in the medical tent looking at Gaia. When Bellamy and Indra comes in. Indra goes on the other side of Gaia. Bellamy is beside me and Madi. Bellamy says " it's time, Madi, Madison." He grabs our shoulders and bends down. And says " everyone will follow you guys, but you guys have to lead them."we look over to him.

I say " we don't want to lead them into a massacre." We look at him.

Indra says " we have the numbers, hedas. As long as we press forward, we'll make it through."we look at Indra.

Bellamy says " we'll be right beside you." We look at Bellamy then to the ground.

Madi says "we are not worried about ourselves. Look around you. There has to be a better way then rushing back in to those guns." We look at Bellamy then to the ground.

Indra says " if there is, we would've thought of it."we stay look at the ground.

We hear Gaia says " ask the commanders." We look up at gaia. We stand up.

I say " how, seda?"as we look down at her.

Madi says " they only take to us in our dreams and show me what they want me to see." Gaia reaches up and puts her hands on our cheeks.

Gaia says " close y'all eyes"

Bellamy says " gaia, we don't have time—".

Indra says " just wait."gaia looks at her mom then back at us. Me and Madi close our eyes.

Gaia says " breathe. In and out. Let this world peel away. And repeat after me. My mind is your mind"

Me and Madi says " my mind is your mind" me and Madi's head jerks up and we gasp a little. Gaia hand leaves our and Madi open our eyes after they showed us what to do. Me and Madi look down at Gaia.

I say " we have a plan"

Gaia says " of course y'all do." She put her hand out end it has two commander tokens. We look at them then too Gaia.

me and Madi are outside the gorge with Octavia. Turn and look at Octavia. Madi says " we charge on our command." And Octavia looks at us.

We look and see that the two Canyons explode. I say " it worked." We look over to Octavia and she looks over at us.Octavia says " take us home." Me and madi nod our heads.

Me and Madi turn around and put are gun up in the air and scream "  charge!" Everyone screams and goes and attack.

We walk up to the church where people are. Bellamy is telling them to put their weapons down.they put their weapons down and get on their knees with their hands up.

Me and Madi look at each other and nod we say " kill them all." Bellamy step in.

He says " halt! Hold your fire." We look at Bellamy. As Bellamy says " they surrendered. It's over."me and Madi just look at him.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2021 ⏰

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