The war part 1

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Me and Madi is sitting where we were last night. listening to the radio which had a bunch of gunshots sounds and staring at Clarke. Clarke looked at us and turned the Radio off.we kept staring at her the whole time.

Clarke says " Octavia would have killed us." She shakes her head.

I say " Clarke, they're getting slaughtered." While we still look at her.

Clarke says " we made our choice."

Madi speaks up and says " you made your choice." Clarke sighs and looks down.

Abby says " let's do this." Clarke looks over to her. She looks at us and then walks away. We at h her do it and then look at the floor.

Me and Madi leave without Clarke and Madi our in the rover trying to get it to start but it is not working. " it won't start." I jump and look over to see Clarke standing by my window. " I took out the conductor. Now let's go." Me and Madi look at each other then opens the door and get out.

I say " fine. We'll walk, then out of our way." Clarke gets in front of us and grabs us.

Clarke says " no" we try to get out of her grip.

Madi says " uh! Let go of us."we keep trying to get out but we can't.

Clarke says " Madi, Madison, ascende superius."me and Madi back out of her grip and look at her.

I say " you took out the conductor. We changed the pass phrase." Clarke looks down.

Madi steps up and says " we are not children anymore, Clarke. We are the commanders, and our people are dying." Clarke looks at us and then nods her head. We hug each other.

We feel something around our neck and we back up and try to take it off but it's not coming off. We look at Clarke.

Clarke says " I will not let you die in this war." We walk away from Clarke then all of a sudden i'm getting electrified I look over and see Madi is too.

Me and Madi are screaming " AAH!"

Me and Madi woke up to a hand over our mouth. We see echo and she says " are you guys the true commanders?" me and Madi nod our head. Echo then says " then get ready to prove it. We grab our knife and go to attack but raven grabs our wrists.

Raven says " hey, Easy. Echo, let them go." Echo let's go and we sit up and look at raven. " we're not here to hurt you." We look at her

I say " we know why you're here. you think wonkru will follow us into that gorge." They look at us confused on how we know that.

Madi says " what are you waiting for? Take off these collars before Clarke gets back." Raven smirks at us.

Raven says " safe to say, she's not up for mother of the year." She looks at echo cause shaw is doing mine and says " light." She shines the light.

Madi says " you know, it's nice to finally meet you.

Raven says " you mind talking to someone else ,kid? I like your head not to explode." That's when we hear the door open. Clarke walks in with a gun pointed at them.

Clarke says " get the hell away from them." She moves in and points gun at them.

Raven says " hey Clarke. Haven't seen you in 6 years, and this is how you say hello?"

I move up and and stand up and say " Clarke, put down the gun these are your friends." She looks at me.

She says " quiet, Madi and Madison, now, raven. Back away. You, too, shaw. Weapons down."everyone keeps eyes Contact on Clarke.

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