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"I think he's waking up." A slightly familiar voice sounded out.
It smelt like rubbing alcohol with a slight mixture of dirt. Darkness with a little lighting enclosed the room, which I couldn't see much of. The dizziness soon began to wear off and I could see clearer, but it still seemed sort of grainy.

From the little light was in the room, I could see a pale face above me with focused eyes and black hair that spilled onto my neck. The face's hand moved to my face, gently touching my forehead. The hand had a slightly softer touch then I expected.

"How do you feel?" The same voice asked. It sounded familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it. That was probably because it felt like my brain had just been fried.

"I just...can't bloody think. But I'm not dizzy anymore." I answered as the hand started to press lightly on my forehead and all I could hear in the quiet moment was rustling behind the face and her body. My mind was trying to warn me and kick in some survival skills. Trying to warn me that something could be off, I mean what if this person had kidnaped me? But another part of my brain blocked that off with drowsiness and blocked it even more as the warm hand swept across my cheek and brushed her hair off my neck.

"Who are you...?"

The face tilted it's head. "Chloe. The girl who chased after you in the hall."

More confusion started to drown my brain that was usually quick to pick up things. Why was Chloe, the girl who I had just met, sitting over me after I passed out (I'm pretty sure I passed out). Panic and warning signs started to flash in my mind. I started to sit up slowly and Chloe's hand moved away. When I sat up Chloe and I were nose to nose.

"What's going on?" My words sounded slurred. For a moment it was quiet and you could only hear the rustling sound again. Chloe's warm breath tickled my cheek.

"I'll explain it to you when you're ready," Her hand moved again and was up on my shoulder with a flash. "Did you have any dreams while you where passed out?"
Chloe had dodged my question, but why? What was she hiding? And why did...she keep touching me? I could only stare at the hand
on my shoulder and how the thumb of it was softly rubbing back and forth against my shirt.

"Don't start making out or anything," Sarcasm was laced into the voice that I instantly knew was Minho's. His face appeared behind Chloe and she dropped her hand from my arm with an eye roll. I don't know why, but I wish she would have kept her hand there.

Chloe scooted back a little so that Minho could sit closer to me.
"Minho, what is bloody going on?" I asked, trying to clear my head up as I stared at Chloe.

They both exchanged looks before Minho looked back at me. "Can I tell you later?" Something (that was for once not sarcasm) was hinted into his voice.

Nodding slowly, I dropped my eyes gaze. "Newt, please tell us what you dreamed of." Chloe said, clenching her jaw.

It seemed weird that she wanted me to explain my dream to her and Minho but I went along with it. "When I woke up I was dizzy. There were boys-my friends- sitting over me. It didn't know where I was. I was laying in grass and the enclosure had stone walls. And my clothes. They weren't mine." I rubbed my head. I was trying to hard to concentrate. The concentration made the inside of my skull thump. Chloe's face turned sympathetic and took my hand carefully. Not knowing why, I gave it a squeeze. It was nice having something to hold onto. Something to steady me for a moment. My eyes closed and I heard her soft voice.

"Just stay awake a little longer. Minho and I are going to take you home, okay?"

Till the end :A Newt / The Maze Runner fanficWhere stories live. Discover now