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"I don't understand why." Minho, Thomas, and I were all talking about English class. They didn't like it and I did.

"It's boring," Minho murmured.

"No it's not!"

"Actually it is," Thomas said.

I sighed. "You all have no taste."

We were almost to our next class when I looked out into the sea of student. They all had bored expressions swept across their faces. I looked form one wall to the next when my eyes caught something. A black pack was leaning up against the wall just outside the janitors closet. It looked vaguely like Newts.

I started shouldered past the other kids, attempting to get to the door.

"Any- Chloe? Chloe, were are you going?!" I heard Thomas call out behind me.

I didn't listen as I broke through the crowd of the kids. When I reached the janitors closet, I crouched beside the backpack. It look exactly like Newt's backpack. The same one from the first day I met him.

But I wasn't about to go looking through the bag just to find out if it was his. I couldn't be sure it was his. What was it doing here though? Shouldn't Newt have it with him?

Only when I gazed up from the backpack and at the door did realization hit me. Well, more like sucker punched me.

Slowly standing, I looked behind me to see Thomas and Minho watching. I bit my lip, putting my hand on the door knob. Newt wouldn't do that would he? I knew that he wouldn't do that. He was too sweet and thoughtful to do that. But I had to check...

"Chloe," Thomas's voice had warning in it, like he understood too. "Lets just go to class."

Before he could talk me out of it, I turned the knob, opening the door.

I don't know why I did it. I knew that it would break my heart. I knew that I wouldn't like what I saw. But maybe a part of me thought that he wouldn't actually do that, that only a day after kissing me he wouldn't have moved onto the next girl.

Oh I was horribly wrong.

When the door fully opened I got a full view of a shirtless Newt, kissing some blonde girl that I recognized. Amber Smith, one of the sluttiest girls in the whole high school .

Newt must have heard the door open because he turned to look at me. He squinted like he was trying to recognize me but I already turned around, speed-walking towards the door of the high school. I wanted to run but making a scene wouldn't help.

My eyes watered up.

This isn't something to cry about! You don't need Newt! You don't need anyone. I kept telling myself, trying to turn it into anger but it didn't work.

It didn't work. Never had I known that it was possible to feel your heart actually hurt, like you couldn't breathe. It was like someone reached into my chest, grabbed my heart, and squeezed it so hard that it stopped working.

Newt was just as bad as that slut, Amber. He probably just kissed me for the fun of it.

"Chloe! Chloe wait!" I heard Newt's voice but I'd already reached the door and walked out to a place with a tree, making shade around it. All the slackers and druggies were gone so it would be the perfect place to cry.

The day was surprisingly bright considering what just happened. Girls walked around in short-shirts and the boys all wore flip-flops. It was like summer had already begun.

Plopping down under the shade of the tree, I let the tears stream down my face. The heart-stopping feeling went away but now I just felt numb and distant. My confidence and heart had been shattered into a million pieces. I leaned my head back on the tree and looked up. Just because I loved him didn't mean he loved me.

I had been thinking with my heart not my head.

He didn't even know me.

Ello whiskers.
Ugh Newt. He's so stupid sometimes.
Anyways, how are you liking it so far? I'd love to know.
And did any of you check out my other books? We watched the stars is coming along greatly in my opinion. Zach and Cheri are goals. If you have the chance please check it out :)
Oh and I might not be able to update for a while, except maybe at midnight because that's sometimes the only free time I have (plus my chapters always turn out better for some reason)
Thanks whiskers <3

Till the end :A Newt / The Maze Runner fanficDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora