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When you read a book, I think that you get attached to the characters in it. Maybe because their personalities are amazing or because you want to be like them or they taught you a lesson. Books just have that kind of affect because you get so wrapped up in their mind and you feel their pain and their joys. You want to help them and save them. I was already getting attached to Newt so when he passed out I had a mini-break down on the inside. I was so worried about him.

What is going to happen to him later is...horrible. I at least thought I could fix that. But was he now going to start passing out all the time? Was he going to be hurt all the time?

I couldn't have that. I couldn't accept that. After James gave me the Maze Runner books I read them, fell in love with them, and when page 250 of The Death Cure happened I couldn't stop crying. I had tears and felt pain for an imaginary person. What happened to Newt and Thomas didn't happen to me but the tears that I had were real. I was so upset about Newt dying. Later, I had to accept his death because he was fictional, because I didn't believe James. But now Newt was a real person. Even more pain would come. I felt the need to stop it. So I decided that Minho and I would have to figure out what was happening to Newt right now. I had to save him.

Minho sat in the front of the car while I was crammed in the back with Newt so that I could keep an eye on him. The car was a small, white Volvo that was apparently six years old. Seating was covered in fake leather (I think it's fake...) and stains from food and drinks. A cloud of fast-food smell covered the air above and wrappers littered the floor board below.

Newt was so distant ever since he woke up, now he just seemed like he was going to fall asleep at any second.

He was slumped up against me with his blond head on my shoulder. I had to keep an arm around him so that when we went over a bump, he wouldn't completely collapse into my lap.

Another bump went by and Newt made a gurgling sound that I think was a groan.

"Shh..." I bit my lip. I wanted to help him. I started to stroke his hair and he sighed loudly, bringing his legs underneath him. "It'll be okay."

Hearing Minho snort in the front, I ignored it and looked out the window. We were close to Newts home. He would be able to get rest and hopefully feel better in the morning.

When we finally reached the house I looked down at Newt. "Newt, baby, you need to get up. We're at your house."

Moving his head up from my shoulder slowly, he unbuckled himself and opened the door. "I don't need you to bloody baby me." I pursed my lips tightly as he got out of the car and closed the door firmly. For some reason his comment stung. I could still feel where his head had been on my shoulder.

Minho cleared his throat. "Why don't you just stay in the car? I'll drive you home after I...explain a few things to him."

With a prompt nod from me, Minho left and walked into the house with Newt.

Till the end :A Newt / The Maze Runner fanficWhere stories live. Discover now