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"What did you tell him?" I asked when Minho got back in the car and shut the door. He only shrugged which annoyed me.

Unbuckling myself, I started to climb into the front, trying to avoid hitting Minho.

"Watch it." He murmured as I wiggled through the middle, eventually making it to the front. With a exasperated huff, I buckled my self in and looked at Minho.

"You didn't answer my question."

"Do I have to?" He rolled his eyes and put the stick in reverse then started to roll the car back and out of the drive way. I decided that it would probably be best to not argue with Minho. Besides, he would beat me in a argument and we had more important things to worry about.

"I guess not..."

"Good that," Something like a smiled cracked onto his lips. "Why were you so eager to help Newt, huh?"

I rolled my eyes. I seemed to be doing that a lot around Minho. "What's it to you?"

For a moment, he considered this and I thought I had him beat. For a moment my trivial pride was saved. "I think that I should know what kind of girl I'm dealing with. After all, you know all our fates."

"Minhoooo," I whined and hit him lightly on the arm, though deep down I was actually petty. "You were supposed to let me win!"

The smile from before came again. "So, what's the answer to my question?"

This time a blush came to my face. When I thought about it, I helped him for more reasons besides the fact that he was fictional. I just...I wanted to hear that British accent speak to me again and I wanted to see his eyes light up when he saw Minho or Thomas again. Selfish, right? But maybe I liked Newt. And if you must refer back to elementary school then I guess you could say that I like liked Newt. But I wasn't about to tell Minho that.

"I just wanted to help," I said with a shrug. He glanced at me then back at the road.

"You're blushing."

"No I'm not!" I knew I screwed up. I said that too quick and too defensive. "I just, I mean, it's the end of May in California, I'm just a little hot and when I get hot my face gets red."

He chuckled at me, like he was dealing with a little child. "You're a horrible liar. You know I'm the one with the muscle though, right?" I couldn't help but look at his shoulder and scan my eyes across his arm. He must have noticed because his grip tightened on the steering wheel and his muscles bulged more and veins along his wrist popped out. He was right, he was far more muscular than my Newt.

"Stop it," I murmured when I looked away. I put my hands up to my cheeks so that they could cool. "I blush at the littlest things."

When Minho didn't reply, I knew he dropped it.

After driving longer, the Volvo came to a endless dirt road. The dirt road only contained four houses; mine, an elderly couple, a single mother, and a family with a son my age. Rolling down the window, I rested my arm against the car so that my elbow stuck out. This was how my bad farmers tans happened. The air outside was warm and sweet. It was the nice California summer weather. Dirt rolled along with the car. I loved the dirt road. It reminded me of a southern land. Deep down, I always thought I was kind of a country girl.

"Roll that up," Minho scowled. "It's getting dirt in my car."

I sighed before rolling the window up slowly. "So you can fight Grievers but you can't handle a little dirt?" I teased.

"Funny." He said as we pulled in front of my house that was the second to last one on my road. When he stopped the car, Minho turned and looked at me. "There's a party tomorrow night, you should come. Newt's going to be there. And all the rest of my 'glader' friends."

It struck my interest but I felt the need to decline. We didn't really hang in the same crowds. Or have anything in common besides a book for that matter. "No thanks. Not really the party type." I said, climbing out of the small car.

"Do it for Newt then." Was all he said then reached across the car and closed the door shut. Standing stupidly, I watched as he drove away.
I slipped into a pink knit sweater dress, black leggings, and black combat boots. Looking in the mirror I wished that the dress wasn't the color of rose pink. I don't have anything against pink, it's just not my style. But the black evened it out.

Going to the party was tempting. All the boys and girls from group A and B would be there...unless they were already dead. Plus, Newt was going to be there. Minho's words annoyed me though. I suppose that I am a sort of a rebellious and irrational person. Which is probably why I wanted to rebel against Minho, and prove him wrong, that I didn't like Newt. Stupid right? But Minho is like the annoying brother you never had...the hot, annoying brother you never had. Just a little bug that had a way of getting under your skin.

Till the end :A Newt / The Maze Runner fanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora