Chapter 1: COVID-19 on Earth

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It was the end of 2019 and the first case of Coronavirus (COVID-19) was discovered in Wuhan, China.

The Students of Alfea, which is the college for fairies in the Magic dimension, nearby Magic City, were leaving for the holiday break. Everyone, including the Winx, thought that when they get back in 2020 that it would be another normal year (well their version on normal that is).

As they hugged each other goodbye they did not realize that it would probably be the last time they would get to hug each other for a very long time. They were looking forward to coming back after the holiday break as then Daphne, Bloom's older sister, would start teaching the History of Magic.

Headmistress Faragonda actually pulled her aside to chat in private and offered Daphne the position at the Welcome Home party, after the beast of the depths was taken care of. She was a bit hesitant but ultimately accepted the offer. She had given her some time to rest, relax and to prepare to start in the new year. After all Daphne was just getting used to being corporeal again.

The rest of the Winx went to their home planets to be with their families while Bloom went to Earth to be with, her adoptive parents, Mike and Vanessa to celebrate Christmas.

While she was there with her adoptive parents they we're keeping tabs with what was happening in the world, especially with the Coronavirus situation, If fact the first evening, after dinner, that Bloom returned home, Bloom and her parents were watching the news and that's where Bloom learnt about COVID-19.

Bloom: Mom, Dad what's this all about? (Looking at the tv).

Mike: There is this new virus in China that is making people very sick. (Sad tone in voice).

Vanessa: Its called Coronavirus or COVID-19. It's terrible sweetie. A lot of people are dying from this illness. (She sat down next to Bloom on the couch).

Bloom: When did they discover this virus? Is it only in China?

Mike: It was discovered a week ago sweetie and it's now starting to spread to other countries.

Vanessa: But luckily it hasn't reached Gardenia yet.

Bloom: Do you think it will spread into the Magic Dimension?

Mike: I'm not sure sweetie. I hope not.

Vanessa: Bloom, listen to me. If this virus spreads to Gardenia then you need to promise me that you will go to Domino and stay there for a while.

Bloom: What? No. What about you and Dad? You won't be safe here. I won't leave you. (Bloom started crying and Vanessa embraced her in her arms).

Vanessa: Bloom we will follow the international safety guidelines and our government's health protocols. We will do our very best to keep safe. (Bloom drying her eyes).

Bloom: What safety guidelines?

Mike: Well when you leave the house you have to have a mask.

Bloom: A mask?

Mike got up to fetch 2 masks. 1 cloth mask and 1 surgical mask.

Mike: Here. These are the masks we have to wear if COVID-19 comes here to Gardenia. You can try 1 on if you like.

Bloom tried on the surgical mask. She used her magic to make a hand held mirror appear. Bloom looked at her reflection in the mirror. She looked so different with her chin, mouth and nose covered up. She wasn't to keen on the tightness of the mask.  She made the mirror disappear and took off the mask.

Bloom: Do we have to wear masks? Their a bit tight around my face.

Vanessa: Yes dear. It will keep the Coronavirus from coming in or going out of your nose and mouth.

Mike: That's right. It's important to wear a mask if you have COVID-19 so that you don't spread germs through your sneezing and coughing. The mask will keep those germs from escaping.

Bloom: Oh okay then. What else do we need to do to keep safe.

Vanessa: Well it's also very important to wash your hands often with soap and water...

Mike: Or hand sanitizer and you need to wash for 20 seconds...

Vanessa: Or until the hand sanitizer dries. (She went to get some hand sanitizer for Bloom).

Vanessa: Here Bloom rub some of this on your hands. It will get rid of any germs on them. (Bloom held out her hands and Vanessa put a dollop of hand sanitizer in the miffed her palms).

Bloom rubbed her hands together until the sanitizer disappeared. It smelled so good. It was kind of like strawberries. Bloom had a scratch on her hand and when it came into contact with the hand sanitizer it stung a bit.

Bloom: Ouch.

Mike: What's the matter sweetie? (He jumped up from his seat to Bloom to see what was the problem).

Bloom: I just have scratch on my hand somewhere. It stings a bit but don't worry I'm fine. (Vanessa went to get a band aid for the scratch).

Vanessa: You need to be more careful sweetie.(placing the band aid over the scratch).

Mike: Well at least we know that the hand sanitizer is effective.

They all laughed.

Vanessa: Well at least your hands are clean.

Bloom:And they smell like strawberries too. Is there anything else we need to do to keep safe?

Mike: Well there are lots of ways to keep safe but the main 3 are masks, hand washing/hygiene and social distancing.

Bloom: What? Social distancing?

Vanessa: Yes dear. When you are out you need to keep your distance from others. There must be at least 6 feet/2 meters between you and other people. That also means no physical contact. So you better enjoy this now before COVID-19 gets here.( She gave bloom a kiss and a big hug).

Vanessa: Now it's getting late. We can talk more in the morning.

Bloom nodded and said goodnight to her parents and got ready for bed.

The next morning, after a good nights sleep, Bloom and her parents discussed more about keeping healthy during the pandemic over breakfast. Keeping healthy was a good way of staying safe because a healthy body can fight off infections better. Until Vanessa said...

Vanessa: You know sweetie. You are behind on a few vaccinations.  We better take care of that before the Coronavirus gets here.

Mike: Not to mention you haven't had a dental check up for quite some time.

To be continued.....

Winx club and the COVID-19 pandemicWhere stories live. Discover now