Chapter 2: COVID-19 in Gardenia.

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Previously in Gardenia...

Until Vanessa said...

Vanessa: You know sweetie. You are behind on a few vaccinations. We better take care of that before the Coronavirus gets here.

Mike: Not to mention you haven't had a dental check up for quite some time.

Now Chapter 2.

Bloom: Ummm... I'm not so sure that's a good idea.

Bloom wasn't a big fan of needles or the dentist. Ever since she was little she would try everything she could to get out of it. She even once got detention on purpose, in school, so that she could miss the appointment with the dentist. Let's just say that her adoptive parents were not impressed to say the least. From that day on when her parents wanted to take her to the doctor or the dentist they would keep it a surprise until the last minute.

Mike: Bloom honey. You still afraid of the dentist and needles? I thought you grew out of those phobias.

Bloom silently nodded in defeat. Vanessa stood up from her chair and placed a hand on Bloom's shoulder.

Vanessa: Oh is alright Bloom. You'll.....

Just then the radio interrupted the song it was playing for an important news announcement.

News reporter: We interrupt this program for some breaking news. COVID-19 is officially in Gardenia. A person who flew from China tested positive for the Coronavirus this morning. The patient is being transferred to an isolation facility and contact tracing is underway. That is all.

Then the radio resumed its regular programme. Bloom knew she could use this to her advantage to not go to the dentist or to get a few shots.

Bloom: Oh well I best go and pack then. (She got up from her chair and placed her plate in the sink).

Both parents: What? (They both stood up dumbfounded)

Bloom: Don't you remember what we spoke about last night? (Bloom said as she was walking to the living room).

Flashback to last night

Vanessa: Bloom, listen to me. If this virus spreads to Gardenia then you need to promise me that you will go to Domino and stay there for a while.

End of flashback.

Bloom: I made a promise and a promise should never be broken. (Bloom walked up the stairs with her parents following behind her).

Mike: Wait what about your check ups? (Mike said as he entered Bloom's room).

Bloom: Oh what a shame. Looks like I'll just have to miss them. It's too risky to have them now. We don't know where that person, who tested positive, went in Gardenia. You said, during breakfast, that it take 21 days for symptoms to show. You know the incubation period. Bloom said sadly while inside her head she was screaming 'YES YES YES')

Vanessa: She is right Mike. Well at least we know you were listening Bloom. However I have an idea... (She pulled out her phone and dialed Queen Marion, who was Bloom' biological mother, on Domino).

Domino royal palace.

It was a beautiful day in Domino. King Oritel, Queen Marion and Princess Daphne were chatting eating breakfast together when suddenly Queen Marion's phone started ringing.

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