Chapter 3: The royal check ups Part 1

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When the royal doctor arrived at the palace. Marion opened the portal from Bloom's home to the palace grounds on Domino. Bloom was still lying on her bed with Mike sitting right beside her. Trying his best to console his baby girl. Vanessa Mike's coat and everything else that they would need ready for when the petal opened. The portal opened in Bloom's room.  Vanessa passed Bloom's suitcase to King Oritel and passed her purse and Mike's coat to Daphne. Mike quickly picked up Bloom, who was fighting and yelling with all her might to get out of Mike's grip, and carried her, bridal style, through the portal with Vanessa right behind them. Once they were through Marion closed and locked the portal so she could go to another planet.

Now chapter 3.

Bloom: Let me go. (Who was yelling and fighting to get free from Mike).

Daphne: You can let her go now since the portal is closed and locked. (She said as she gave Vanessa back her purse and Mike's coat). And I wouldn't try to run little sister. (Talking to bloom).

Bloom: Give me 1 good reason why I shouldn't Daphne.

Daphne: because of this. Oh reinforcements. (She called).

Then out of nowhere the rest of the Winx appeared.

Bloom:WINX (she shouted and ran to give her friends a big hug. Rather a group hug).

Bloom: What are you guys doing here? (They exited their group hug).

Aisha: Well a little birdie told us that you weren't feeling like your usual brave self today.

Bloom: Oh. (She crossed her arms and look down at the ground and started to tear up).

Stella: So we came to support you. (She gave Bloom a big squeeze and dried up her tears).

Bloom: Wait. Are the specialists here too? Is Sky here.

Daphne: Sorry Bloom. Dad said no specialists. (She stepped forward to hug her sister). But we might be able to twist Dad's arm in to letting them come later. (She said softly to Bloom).

Marion: Nice try Daphne but the portal is locked now so they can't enter Domino until I unlock it again.

Bloom: Wait. What?

Stella: Okay I think that might be a bit over dramatic and that's coming from the drama Queen herself. It's not like Bloom is going to go hopping from 1 planter to another now.

Flora: She will Stella. When you're afraid you can do some reckless things in order to avoid the fear. Even we are stuck on Domino until Queen Marion unlocks the portal. We can't take any chances here.

Tecna: Technically the planet of Domino is on a temporary lockdown.

Musa: In lay mans terms. You can't go out of Dominos and no one can come in.

Daphne: Just to warn you Bloom. If you do, heaven forbid it, decide to run. The Winx have the authority to track you down and they will bring you back to the palace.

Oritel: They also have the authority to carry out any task that you are running away from.

Marion: For example if you run from your vaccination. The Winx will be allowed, once they've caught you to administer that vaccination. And the consequences will be severe.

Bloom now looked even more pale than before and was quite scared so much that she was trembling with fear.

Just then one of the servant came towards Queen Marion.

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