Angry rant (you dont have to read)

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Writer: okay you guys see that picture right? Well if you aren't musical those notes in order are F.A,C.E. That's the joke and well I want to (there is going to be a lot of swearing in this chapter so sorry...) fucking say that to everyone. That doesn't mean you my wonderful readers it means the idiots I have to deal with. One being my fucking mom. Then just ugh! Has anyone just wanted to just punch everyone that talks to them just because one person pisses them off and puts them in a bad mood? Well if you never have stay away from me.
I'm sorry if I sound like a fucking dick but for some odd reason it's nice to rant every once in a while especially when it's on wattpad. Plus you guys are nice and will actually read this (well most of you)...
Just life... That's all I have to say.
Again sorry you peeps didn't have to read this but I'm just pissed and id rather not hurt france or prussia right now.... Heh... BECCA would kill me... Well bye!

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