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Writer: *in her room with all the lights off and in the corner* ....

America; *pops his head in* I swear I saw her go in here.

England: just turn on the lights you bloody git!

Francis: maybe she is making love in the dark~!


America: *turns on the lights and walks in* oh she's just in the corner...

Writer: ....

England; *walks in and over to the writer* Mads... What's wrong?

Writer: ...

America; I BLAME IGGY!

France: I DO TOO!


Writer: *dead inside* ...

England; can you at least text me or something?

Writer: ...

America: I think she's dead.

France: she's breathing you idiot!

Writer: *stands up* I'll just go and die alone in a different room. *walks out*

America: O.o

France: so she wasn't doing what I thought...

England: uh....


Yeah so I've been depressed and stressed lately so I haven't updated in a few days.... It doesn't help that my grades are shit and my mom keeps yelling at me for nothing... So if I do update for a while I'm either dead, dead insides and don't feel like doing anything, grounded, or crying alone in my room. *bows* we will meet again my fellow otaku's. *walks out*

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