Germany's dream (and tiny rant at the end)

146 13 1

Germany: Italy... Will you... Marry me?


Germany: *puts ring made of pasta on Italy's finger*

Italy: Germany... I must tell you something before this happens.

Germany: yes?

Italy: you... Are made of sausage's.

Germany was indeed made entirely of sausage and was soon eaten by his many dogs and that's when he screamed and woke up.

~wooo! Rant!~
Mads: Hey guys!! Im am sooooo sorry for not updating at all. Seriously highschool is kicking my ass right now but hey I made it into the higher band with an instrument that I've only been playing for 3 months so that's good I guess. So I wanted to say sorry for not updating. I think most of you will understand it with it being final season and how much homework people get (not to mention marching band season but once that was over I was less busy but still f*cking busy.) Ahhhh some one kill me. JK well everyone I hope you had a Merry Christmas or whatever the fuck you celebrate and a happy new year. Hopefully this year isn't as bad as last year. Bye!!!!~

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