Chapter 2 - What The Hell Is Going On?!

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Chapter 2 – What The Hell Is Going On?!

Madison's P.O.V.

"I'm Madison. Madison Brown!" I said, trying to sound calm.

I was anything but calm!

I was dead! I was shot, by River! I was in the room with Amy, Rory and The Doctor!

The Doctor. God I needed him now. But there was this other man here now, claiming to be him. He may be The Doctor, but he isn't my Doctor.

This is like that old expression 'You don't know how much you love something until you lose it.'

Well I'm loving him very much at the moment. I needed him so badly right now. I had so many questions.

They main one being, HOW WAS I ALIVE?

"Right Madison. Nice to meet you." 'The Doctor' said, releasing the grip from my shoulders and sticking out his hand.

"Likewise. I think. Now I have a question for you. What the hell is going on?!" I asked, shaking his hand.

"How should I know? I was just up on the cliff top, when an alarm went off. When I came down to the beach, you were here!" He explained.

"Right. Great explanation!" I replied, sarcastically.

"Alright, sorry! Do you know what happened?" He asked, getting annoyed.

"I was on Earth. In London! With Amy, Rory and The Doctor! Not you!" I said, earning an eye roll from him.

"Like I said. You probably knew a different version of me! I'm a Time Lord, you know. I can change my whole body when I'm dying!" He tried to explain, but this time it was me rolling my eyes.

"I do know! I am also a Time Lord!" I laughed.

"Impossible. They all died. I killed them all."

"Except for me. You're not alone anymore! Build a bridge and get over it! Now, did you say I was in Norway?" I asked, getting even more confused.

"Yes, Norway."

"NORWAY? Why Norway? I don't even like Norway! I mean no offence, Norway. But NORWAY! I've said Norway to much now haven't I?" I said, regaining my breath after my rant.

"Yeah, you have! I really don't know why you are here! But I'd like to help you find out!. Do you want my help?" He suggested, giving me a comforting look.

"You'd just offer a stranger help? A stranger who's going mental and screaming at you?" I asked, shocked by his kindness.

"Yeah. Course I would."

"Well you defiantly act like The Doctor! That says something." I smirked, walking round him.

"If you're a Time Lord, why can't you accept I'm one too?" He argued, seeming annoyed.

"Because you might be a Time Lord impersonator. I've met many of them. You'll have to past the Time Lord test."

"Time Lord test? Which one?" He asked, rather confused.

"The 5 Time Lord sense one." I replied, stopping in front of him.

"Oh no. Please not that one!" He begged, clearly having it had it done to him before.

"Oh yes! It must be done. Now, sense number one! Sight. You look human, but so does every Time Lord, Sense number two. Smell!" I laughed, as I stop an inch away from his face. I crouched down and started to rise up, as I sniffed his body.

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