Chapter 7 - A New Team

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Chapter 7 – A New Team

Madison's P.O.V.

3 Months later...

You love me. You have since you first met us. And you hated it. You hated loving me. Now you love it so much, you can't help but show everyone! Even when my wife is here, you can't just sit around and pretend like nothing is happening! I don't love you Madison! I love River!”

Doctor! Don't say that! I love you!” I cried.

No, Madison. I'm with River. Leave me and never return!”

Please, Doctor! I'm sorry!” I begged.

Oh get the hint, Madison! The Doctor doesn't love you. He loves me. Just leave, Maddy. It's all over for you! Forever alone, Madison Brown. Must suck to be you.” River taunted, putting an arm round the Doctor.

Doctor. River. Please, don't do this! I didn't want this to happen!”

Just give it up, Madison. It's all over! Over. Over. Over.” River laughed.

Her words rung in my ears. Over. Suddenly she lunged forward and pulled a gun out. She shot me quickly in both my hearts, before walking back to The Doctor. I fell to the floor, clutching my chest, while they both just stood there.

Laughing at me.

Doctor. Ple...please.” I sobbed.

Oh poor little, Madison. Get shot by River? Good. You're suppose to be dead, Maddy. You can't even do that right, can you? Just die already. I don't love you. And now you're stuck in another world, I can be with River. Forever. Say goodnight, Madison.” The Doctor spat, as he took River's gun from her and pointed it at me.

No! Don't. I'm sorry. I love you!” I cried, curling up in a ball on the floor.

Oh, I know. But I can't say the same. See ya, Maddy!” Him and River laughed, as he aimed the gun for my head.


“MADISON! Wake up!”

“What?! Doctor? What happened? Where are you?” I sobbed.

“I'm here, Maddy. It's okay. It was only a dream. It was just a dream.” The Doctor said, wrapping his arms around me.

“It wasn't a dream. It was real. I felt it.”

“It wasn't real, Maddy. It was just another bad dream. You keep getting them and I don't know why. It was just a dream. Okay?”

“Yeah. Just a dream.” I muttered.


It's been three months since I arrived here. Three months with this Doctor. Soon after I arrived, The Doctor and me brought a flat together. He said he couldn't go back to living in his old one without Rose. So we brought a two bedroomed flat, in London.

A week after I met The Doctor, it was the Tyler family funeral. I helped The Doctor plan it all. I couldn't bare him to do it all on his own. From what I know about The Doctor, he's strong and fearless on the outside. But on the inside, he was just like any other human. I attended the funeral with him. I got a few strange and dirty looks from family members because I was with The Doctor, but I just shrugged it off. They had a joint funeral. They were all buried together. It was a beautiful ceremony, I just wish I didn't have to see The Doctor so upset.

He cried. So, so much. I'd never seen The Doctor like this. Well, not since I died.

Speaking of me. We haven't found a way of getting me back yet. We don't even know how I got here yet. I just remember dying, then suddenly being moved around. Then a white flash appeared and I opened my eyes to see I was surrounded by U.N.I.T. members. Next thing I knew, I was lying on a beach. Finding The Doctor.

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