Preparing to sail

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I hate those dreams I told myself as I vividly remember reliving that day over again, it made me feel like I hadn't even been asleep, I reluctantly got out of bed and got dressed, pulling my thread bare joggers on tearing them at the knee creating a new large hole, great I thought, before putting on my t-shirt, my knee now pocking out the hole.

In the main room of the Gondola station where the gondolas would come in and out, Marcel had made a cooking area where they were making a huge pan of porridge for all, this was made from crushed oats and mixed with water as milk just wasn't an option, I hadn't see a cow or farm animal since before the flood.

Marcel and Francine would always cook in batches for everyone at one go, it saved energy and resources, it also cut down on waste and meant they could keep an eye on the supplies, it wasn't so much we minded but it meant there was a schedule to keep, 8am breakfast, lunch at 12, dinner at 6, every day without fail.

It was also a time of day where the whole group got together and was the closest thing most of us had to a family since before the virus, once I got my bowl of porridge I went and sat with Barbara, her cat following here around and not far behind, she was in her 50's and had wiry white curly hair, one of the kindest ladies you can imagine, and would do anything for you, although if you didn't know her, she looked a little odd.
Even before any of this happened she said she would make her own clothes, and I cant imagine she looked far different now to back then.
Her shirt was a miss match of different colours patched together, she liked bright things, and her skirt much the same, the colours never really went together, but Barbara liked the way they looked.

"looks like I've some work to do on those trousers" she said looking at my joggers, "yeah sorry, they ripped this morning, Clothes were pretty scarce we each were lucky if we actually had a spare set, it was usually the ones were wearing and then you just had to keep washing them, I had tow t-shirts but these were my only joggers.
It was the same with shoes, my trainers were still about lasting and holding together, but others had given up completely and just gone with barefoot.
Barbara did make new clothes, but they took time, one of my t-shirts was made by her, it was a bit scratchy but I was thankful nonetheless.

"I've got some grey cloth I can path that up with no problem, so tell me Alex what's new in the world" I told her of our latest trip and how George was going to finally leave me to sail alone "he needs the rest" Barbara added, "83 is a good age, I hope I make it that far" she said petting her cat.

Across for me I could see Nikki and Philip, Nikki holding her belly showing off her bump proudly, it would be weird having a baby in camp, but also exciting, and most people would coo around her admiring the miricle of life continuing in the midst of chaos.

Harold came and sat near me with his porridge, he was a great engineer and could fabricate or fix anything I could ever dream of, "hey Alex, anything need fixing on the old Sea otter" he asked, sometimes I think he liked the challenged, the more difficult or obscure the item the fix the bigger the smile on his face.
"no surprisingly all in shape ready to head on out" I said scooping up another spoon full of plain porridge, although mixed with water it was oddly dry.

"I must have done a good job last time" he said smiling, "when you heading out next?"
Well looking at those clouds I'd say there's a low pressure coming so ideally tomorrow morning before it blows in
I'd become as proficient in calculating what the weather was going to do as I was a sailor.
"well if you need anything before you go, you let me know, and any scrap you can find, bring it to me please!" he added before wandering off to talk to Nikki.

After breakfast, I cleaned up the bowls and stacked them back in the kitchen ready for the next meal "hey thanks Alex," Francine said, "no problem" I waved back trying to catch up with Barbara as she walked back to her little workshop area.

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