Chapter 1

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ust know that everything you'll read is not true. This is just work of my fiction. ^^ Happy reading.



"Why do you have to leave?" Ask Jinyoung for the 20th time today driving me to the airport.

"I have to it's for buisness reasons, dont worry ill be back as soon as the problems are fixed" I smiled at him so somehow I can make him happy.

"You promise me, okay? Be safe jagiii" he said and kissed me on the cheeks

"Yes, you too okay? Luv you bye bye" i waved my hands and entered the airport.

He's Jinyoung, my boyfriend. We've been dating for 3 years now and I'm very lucky to have him. He understands me and I understand him, we trust each other, been loyal and I'm happy about it. Today, I'll be flying to Australia since my father needs some help about his company so this'll be the first time we'll be apart hehe.

I grab myself a drink and sat at a chair. I'll be waiting for my flight for about 30 more minutes and just enough time for me to relax myself before the flight. I opened my phone and texted my father I'm waiting at the airport.

30 minutes of waiting I finally got to the the plane, I'll be staying here for 14 hours.

:Hii, how are you?
:I'm here in the plane, I'll text you when I land okay? I have to take a rest
:Owkii sure bye bye mwah

14 hours and 20 minutes later

I got to dad's place, his assistant was waiting for me and she was actually very nice, they expected me coming home tired and so they already prepared everything I needed inside my room. A whole meal, a warm shower and alot more. I thank them for their generosity and gratitude, then left me.

It felt like I'm in heaven, my room is really clean and it smells really good. The juicy meal on my table and everything...!

I told Jinyoung I made it safely, he's happy and already misses me so much.

we called for about a minute or so cause he's desperate he's so precious haha! I ended the call because I really needed that sleep cause  already know tomorrow's gonna be a busy day

The Next Day~

I woke up exactly 6:00AM enough time for me to get ready cause I'll be going there in around 8, I ate breakfast, brushed my teeth have a little excercise, finally got into the shower and went to work.

"Good morning Ms.Kim," the lady on the counter said. I smiled and asked her where dad's office is. The whole place is luxurious I've only been here since I was 16 and now I'm 26 the whole place is stunning.

This other lady directed me to my father's office and there he is very excited to see me, it's been 10 years before we met and I missed him so much.

"You can leave now, thank you" we bowed to each other and she left.

"So? what's the problem?," I asked him as he went to his computer.

"as you can see over here our business is getting low and we need someone to help us back on top, how you ask?," he slides. "I need you to write a message for the Parks to help us." he explained.

"but why me? with respect father, you can even do it yourself." I said. It's weird, I am imagining alot bigger and important problem than me writing a message.

"yes I know, we have done that years and months but it seems like they've been ignoring everything we send to them. So I want you to try your best and if not then be friends with their daughter!" he said. This whole thing is really important to him, and, I don't wanna dissapoint everyone. I know, all of them work hard 24/7 and they deserve this.

"okay, I'll do it." I shaked hands with them and he told me to go to the office with my name on it. They'll be 2 girls waiting for me in there, Lisa and Jennie. They will be the ones who'll help me on this.

I opened the door slowly and 2 beautiful women is standing there very polite. We bowed and get to know each other.

"Hello, I'm Jennie Kim," says the lady wearing grey lady's suit "And I'm Lisa Manoban, the president sent us here to help you ma'am." she said.

"nice to meet you too, please take a seat. we will discuss everything first" I said and they did.

Half of the day we discuss everything and how it's gonna work. We have two plans, plan A and plan B. We finished 10:30 am and I'm pretty sure these two are hungry too.

"What about we'll discuss the other part later and have some lunch for now on" they're a little shy to say no or yes "oh don't be shy, my treat, c'mon!" I pulled them to my car which is located at the basement

"Ms.Kim you don't really have to do this" Lisa proclaimed but I didn't hesitate and drove with them on the backseat "nonsense, you guys probably overworked yourself" they looked at each other and smiled, cute.

We made it into this little restaurant. I used to come here often when I was 16, the place haven't changed a thing, it's still the same, the vibe, music and just a best place where you can relax. It's like a café but not.

"oh ma'am, here's our money" they handed me "we'll pay our own" they smiled awkwardly, I just looked at them in confusion "keep it, I'm the one who's paying, don't be shy we're friends now" I smiled and they did too.

"F-friends?" I heared a whisper from Lisa's voice "I know, we're friends with the CEO's daughter, I'm still embarrassed that she's the one treating us" a giggled follow after what Jennie said. I tilted my head and giggled slowly. they're adorable.


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