Chapter 19

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I'm in a good mood today 'cause I dreamt about me and Jisoo having the bestest time of our lives. I suddenly woke up 'cause all of a sudden I felt pain. When I opened my eyes I saw ni one. It's only me in my room. No.

Where's Jisoo?

Where's my morning kiss?

Where's my sunshine?

Where's my love of my life???

"Jisoo!!!" I yelled as loud as I can holding the bracelet on my arms, I heared my door flew open I thought it was her but it's not. It's just Jennie and Lisa.

"where's Jisoo?" I cried while Lisa went to me and hugged me, she left me already?

I didn't even get the chance to tell her I love her so much. I'm not ready for her to leave, I still have alot of words to tell her.

Jennie joined our hug with her frown, why today? I'm still not ready... please comeback. I can't stop my tears.

"Look here, Chaeng. Jisoo left you a note" Jennie said and handed me handwritten letter.

Hi Love.

  You're probably awake by now and knowing I'm not their beside you. I'm sorry I have to leave without saying anything. It'll only hurt me more and regret leaving you. Our story ended, thank you for everything, thank you for being a part of my life, yeah destiny is cruel, I'm happy to meet you Chaeyoungie and I never regret that. You're a great person and you know that. Chaeyoungie, there are so many things I wanted to write and to let you know but somehow I can't 'cause it makes my heart feel heavy and I don't like that. Even though I'm not beside you anymore, always remember that I love you more than the stars. Sorry if I ended it this way I hope you'll understand, you're a great person.

You deserve the world, and your world isn't me.

I love you... angel.

Sincerely Yours,


As I read her letter, it makes my heart sank even more. I love you too Jisooyah and yes destiny is really cruel for letting us meet then be hurt. I know I have to be strong and move on, but why is it hard?

"Jisoo unnie also says; you should move on and forget about her. Don't worry Chaeyoungie she sent us here to help you move on and enjoy yourself" Lisa said and patted my back while she sats beside me and Jennie on my other side.


I feel bad for Chaeyoung experiencing this kind of pain. It wasn't really a plan that they'd date each other that's why I was hesitant to agree that Jisoo told us they're together. It's okay if Jisoo unnie doesn't have a boyfriend but she has, so she can't stay with Chaeyoungie that long.

I don't know what to make her feel better but thinking of getting her ice cream, what? I always ask Lisa to get me ice cream when I'm in a middle of a break down just because of a love movie.

"should we get her ice cream?" I whispered to Lisa, she looks at me.

"what? she's not you" then rolls her eyes, I glared at her and she immediately leaves.

"Lisa will be back, she just have to get something" I said while caressing Chaeng's hair, she has smooth hair I love it.  okay that was totally off topic.

"Remember when Jisoo unnie said that she loves you more than the stars?," I asked her then she slowly nodded.

"she really means it. Yesterday night when she ask us to drive her to the airport she told us to; come visit you often. She told us not to leave you and help you move on, she doesn't want you to be here crying, she wants you to be happy. She told us to come here before you wake up so we can be here to comfort you" I explains while she listens

"we're not Jisoo unnie, but we're her friends and we're here to make you feel better while she's away, she told us that she'll be back and there is nothing to worry about" I continued.

She loves you so much Chaeyoungie I hope you'll know that. She doesn't want to leave you too but she has too because she doesn't want someone to be hurt waiting for her.

I know you'll find the right person to live with.


I just lied down while listening to Jennie, she's right. I gotta be strong not just for me but also her, I have put her in too much pressure she's not just showing it 'cause she wants everyone to be happy, she wants to be the sunshine in every rainy day a person holds. She's caring towards everyone about her.

I wanna be with you but I can't.

Why is the world so cruel?!?!

I just want you to be with me, but why?!

I started to cry again thinking that she'll never be mine, that's how inlove I am with her.

Jisooyah... please me mine. I know I'm being selfish but I can't help it, I love you so much.

I will only stop loving you if someone can count all of the stars.

I know no one will be better than you 'cause you're an amazing person, no one can be like you. You're a God given, sadly it wasn't for me.

I felt Jennie's hands caressing my head, I can't help it. I need someone's hug so I hug her out of nowhere.

"It'll be okay Chaeng"

She whispers.


I got the ice cream Jennie wanted me to buy and I'm on my way back to them. When I got their I saw Jennie hugging Chaeyoung, I smiled at them.

"here's the ice cream, now I don't know how it'll help Chaeyoung"  I whisper but then Jennie gave me the glare, shoot she's mad at me? what did  I do???

"Chaeyoungie do you want to sleep?" I ask. Yeah I know she just woke up but sleeping after crying is heaven. uhh... should I suppose to say that? damn.

C'mon now Chaeng, Jennie is mine.

After few minutes she finally let go of my Nini. I went to her and hug her but she moves away from me I just pouted. "we'll be outside, call us when you need us okay?" Jennie said and we went out her room.

"c'mon now Lisa, you look like an idiot" She said.

"let's cook Chaeyoungie her lunch" she said then went to the kitchen. "why can't you do it? I don't know how to cook, and if I'll burn this house I don't have money to pay" she just slaps my arm. aigoo where are the helpers when I need them?

this part of the story doesn't make sense lmao.


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