Chapter eleven: Another Me.

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As soon as I leave, I know it was a bad decision to go and see Jay. But when Jason told me how bad he was doing, I couldn't ignore it. My mood is as low as it gets and I can't get the image of a very defeated-looking Jay out of my head. 

"I told you not to do it," Marc points out as he meets me outside.

I shrug. I want to tell him it's none of his damned business, but I stay quiet.

"Cory, I know this isn't easy, but some time on your own might be exactly what you need. Both of you. It isn't a crime to want to live life to its fullest. You owe yourself that."

I look at Marc, unsure. I know he's been trying to cheer me up ever since my break-up with Jay and I know he's sorry for coming between us. I know Marc wants me to be with him instead of Jay. He hasn't pushed me. Instead, he's been extremely patient with me. Maybe that's why I let him drag me to the bar for another party. Maybe I just want to drink to forget about what I saw today.

I dance when it gets dark and I try to convince myself that it's a way to have fun. I used to love dancing and doing silly moves just to embarrass Jay in front of his friends. It used to make him laugh.

I don't have to close my eyes to remember the last time I danced here. Jay's hands were on my waist and we swayed together as well as can be when one's got a broken leg and the other a stiff body. Tonight, a different set of hands find their way to my hips. I look at them, trying to understand what it is they want. I've been trying to figure out how I feel about Marc and the answer isn't clear to me. Jay is there in the back of my mind, stabbing little holes in my heart whenever something reminds me of him. It's ridiculous how our relationship has survived death, destruction, and loss so many times over, and then the final blow happens to be a misplaced kiss. How stupid is that? I used to think nothing could tear us apart. I can't find a definitive reason why things ended. Perhaps because there are many. I don't know anymore.

Marc smiles as he and I continue to dance, and his arms find their way around my neck. I can't stop the shivers it gives me.

"I care about you, Cory. If you'll let me," he tells me. "Won't you let me?"

I can't blame the alcohol, when I allow him to kiss me again and when I let myself feel everything he's throwing at me. I'm desperate for something, anything... but I already know this kiss can't give me what I'm desperately searching for. 

I wake up in the morning, noticing that Marc isn't lying next to me. Instead, he's talking quietly in the corner of the room with one of his friends. It's about the cure and how it's possible that it doesn't work after all. They've heard rumors of a case where someone went back to their dead state, to what we used to call 'a zombie'. This is exactly the kind of thing Jay has been scared might happen to him. I pretend to still be out when Marc comes over to check if I'm awake or not. When he decides I'm not, he leans in to kiss my temple before leaving and I focus on not flinching and revealing myself.

I wait a couple of minutes before opening my eyes. I roll over and suddenly spot a Pokémon card in Marc's things. It makes me frown since I know he doesn't collect. He doesn't seem like the type either. My curiosity gets the better of me, and I take the card, turning it over in my hand. It looks like a normal card to me. My instinct tells me something's weird about this, so I hold on to the card, sticking it in my pocket.

I throw my shoes on and march towards our hospital with the intention of finding Sadie. We haven't talked for a long time because we are both busy all the time, but I have to find out what she knows about this. Luckily, my badge and my status can get me almost anywhere in camp.

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