7. Alcholism isnt a Joke, Kids!

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Belle's POV
Another sip of liquor burned down my throat, my glass crudely clanking with a now empty bottle.
All gone.
The floorboard creaked, and I spun.
Anita stood by the open door, her spying frozen in time once I looked at her.
"Get in!" I ushered her.
She closed it gently behind her and turned back to me, her words organizing behind her eyes.
"Are you..?" She checked.
"Pain." I held up my bandaged hand and pointed to the bottle. "And I got stuff."
"Stuff!" Anita smiled calmly and walked over to the said stuff next to the sink.
Fruit, vegetables, and strangest of all, mushrooms, laid out for organization.
"Where'd you get money??"
My head shot up.
"Oh- I'm getting paid for your little accident yesterday."
"Belle! That sounds like I peed..." Anita complained.
I chuckled, trying to stand straight but swaying like a sailor.
I caught myself and shook my head.
"Are you sure you're okay? Do you need water?"
I rubbed my eyes. "Princess!!" I whined in a way that was supposed to come across as scolding but sounded more like a child crying.
"Oh, please! I can get you a glass of water, it won't shatter my wrists."
I grumbled. "The princess is waiting on me.. I'm the best lady ever, huh?"
She filled one of our new cups and smiled. "I'm princess of the oak cabin now, so I'd still consider you one of the best." She set the glass down on the table, sitting me down and wrapping her arms around my shoulders from behind.
"Yuck! Off!" I slurred, reaching for my glass like a rigged claw machine.
She giggled, walking back over to the counter.

Anita's POV
A warm, bubbly calm rose in my heart after helping Belle with little resistance.
I detached from the attack hug, walking back over to the counter.
"I met a few people today."
Truth was that I was brimming with anticipation on sharing my adventure, but wanted to make sure Belle was okay.
"Really? Were they.. suspicious?"
She was so drunk. Her eyes rested at different openness and she moved as if she was made of water.
"No, they were fine. I met one of the men running for Vice President. He had glasses and really liked my hat and freckles. When I told him that I was part mushroom he got all wide eyed and left. I think I inspired something." I joked.
"Or terrified him.." Belle chuckled and my jaw dropped.
Her thoughts weren't filtered, and for the first time in years I heard her snappy sarcasm.
"Honestly yeah.." I happily put the things away. "I saw you in the marketplace. Did the president help you?"
She stiffened. "Yeah, brought me to their hospital." She raised her hand a bit.
"Im really sorry about that." The words escaped my teeth before I could think.
"Huh? What- no. I'm sorry, Anita." She spun and placed her hands on my shoulders with a thud. "I just thought about keeping you safe and didn't think more about your feelings. Just- as long as you're careful and know when to bring me into a situation, you're free to do whatever you want, okay?" Her words came out slurred but her eye contact was strong, so I nodded.
"Father would have you beheaded for this."
She laughed harshly. "He'd take my head off if I breathed too loud."
"I'd never have you beheaded!" I cried, leaning down and smushing my face into her chest, wrapping my arms around her torso.
"Off!!!" She yelled straight into the air as I tightened my grip.


Five whole days had passed of exploring within the walls, sightseeing, and meeting various interesting people.
The door to my room creaked.
"Princess, your friends are downstairs."
I opened one eye, Belle at my door, her sleeves rolled up. Up to her elbows, red stains crawled up her arms. Cleaning that Van was hard work, but she was almost done.
"It's so early.."
"It's almost midday, and they're here on business apparently."
I groaned and swung my blankets off as she shut the door and left.
I'd gotten night clothes with our remaining money, and was now hoping to get new fabrics to surprise Belle. She's a fighter, but also the most talented seamstress I've ever met.
I changed and checked my arms.
Being royalty to a half mushroom-half cow kingdom showed in different ways.
Royalty tended to be more mushroom like, and for me, that showed in white freckles all over, as well as mushrooms growing where the sun meets my skin.
My crown protected my face, but if my sleeves were rolled up...
I covered them and left my room, descending the stairs and seeing Belle with Tubbo and Tommy, clad in their official L'manberg uniforms that I'd yet to see.
It made them both look very grown up, and they stood while Belle sat, something she does for almost nobody.
"Princess! Did you know these two are 17 and 19 rings old?"
"I did not.. and they call them years, Belle."
"Right.. weird."
"That's what I was saying. You know, Anita has 18 rings this "year"."
"Okay but who's going to get to be Vice President at 17?" Tommy butted in.
"The brother of the president, thats who." I said, sitting next to Belle.
"How old are you Miss Belle?" Tubbo asked.
"She's 22 rin- years!" I answered as she opened her mouth. "Sorry.." I whispered.
She laughed. "It's alright. I'm glad you remembered."
"Okay, ages aside!" Tommy asserted.
I coughed "child!" Into my sleeve, earning a glare. "We're here to formally invite you to attend any rally's, debates, and the election at the end of the month, even if you chose not to vote."
Belle smiled. "Thank you very much, sir." Her tone was more endearing than mocking, but still mocking.
"Right- oh! We have a few more places outside of the walls, so we'll be back by night." Tubbo spoke directly to me, a smile on his face.
"Okay cool!" I shot a smile back.
Tommy shook his head, Tubbo's gaze getting pulled away as he was literally pulled away by his collar.
"Bye!" I called after them as they shut the door.
Belle got up to make breakfast and I sighed.
"If we would vote, we'd vote for Wilbur and Tommy, right?" I asked.

Belle's POV
My muscles tensed.
Almost a week of early rising and cleaning.
Within that time I'd managed to meet and talk with many people.
And I'd completely avoided the president the whole time.
He had a dark underbelly. Every politician does. But I'm not willing to play a part in it.
And now Anita is asking me what part I'd play.
"I don't know.."
She was taken aback. "What??"
"I personally think your friends are very wonderful, princess. And their party offers safety to those already inside.." I thought carefully. "But you understand how harmful walls can be, you know?"
She paused, processing. "I.. I get it. But I don't agree." She clarified.
I smiled as I chopped onions. "And I accept that. It's not our place to vote in an election thats not ours, so our opinions mean nothing." I looked over my shoulder, smiling at her.
"Cheery way of putting it." She rolled her eyes.
"What can I say, I'm a word wizard."
"You're a loser..."
A knock at the door rattled the walls, and my guard shot up a second later than I would've liked, Anita's eyes cautious as I neared the door.
"Um... hello?"

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