12. Paternial Reminders Can Go Fuck Themselves

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Belle's POV
"Holy shit!! You- you beat him!" Tommy yelled as I walked back into the armory.
"Belle!" Wilbur laughed, walking up to me with his arms out.
He clasped my shoulders and shook me slightly. "You've done it!"
I pulled back. "I've done nothing. Any fighter would know that that wasn't a real victory."
"Oh shut up!" Tommy interrupted. "You faced that- that bitch and won! That's so much bigger than you even know."
"Kid's right."
I turned my head, Quackity in the doorway, leaning.
I lunged. "You weaselly little—"
"Belle!" Wilbur called. "Let him go."
I had the collar of his shirt balled up, fist extended backwards.
"Technically I don't have the job yet so-" I winded back.
"You're hired, listen to me.." he warned.
I glared at the man who blinked rapidly, eyes wide.
I grumbled before finally letting him go, walking away to stand by the other two.
He straightened his jacket, before nervously laughing. "Hey, Wil."
"Hey." He smiled cockily. "Good fight, hm?"
"I'd say so..!" He coughed. "I'm glad this went in your favor!"
"I'm glad it didn't go in yours." I spat.
"Sorry, Belle." His tone was almost sincere.
"Choke and die." I responded.
He nervously nodded and turned back to Wilbur.
The door swung open behind him.
"BELLE!" Anita yelled, almost knocking Quackity to the ground as she pushed past him and jumped for me.

Anita's POV
"BELLE!" It looked like I fully ran Quackity over with how fast I leaped into Belle's arms. "You were so cool! You left him bleeding and dying and broken!!" I said, nostrils flaring.
Tubbo followed me and chimed in. "I'm not quite sure that's what happened.."
"It's not." Belle peeled me off of her chest and patted my mushroom crown.
I grumbled and stood straight, finally reading the room.
Wilbur spoke up. "You know, Quackity, I think this was one of your best decisions yet. Was this your idea or your vice? Wait sorry- who's your running mate again?"
"It's George." His tone was bitter.
"Oh? Then where is he?"
Quackity took a breath, smile returning to his face. "I just came here to congratulate you- and especially Belle."
"Go fuck yourself." She hissed.
"Uhhuh.." he glared. "I'll stop raining on your parade. There's still a crowd to entertain."
"Not for long." Wilbur said in a dangerous tone. "Get them all out of these walls."
I didn't realize who he was talking to until I saw Belle move forward.
As she went for the door, her glare straight into the eyes of the culprit not faltering once until she passed him.

Belle's POV
I cleared my throat, walking towards the podium.
Cheers below rang out, some visibly silent and confused.
"Hello everyone, and thank you." My tone was robotic, but I wasn't there to entertain. "I've enjoyed my time here just as much as the rest of you, but country policies dictate that all non l'Manbergians must leave before noon. Thank you for your attendance, and travel safe."
The crowd exploded, the few hundred people either preparing to leave, refusing to, or angrily yelling out to me.
I sighed as I went down, ignoring them.
"Hey! I'll leave when you beat me in a fight!"
My ears perked and I turned.
A tall man in a white headband stood with his arms crossed.
I looked around, smirk becoming less easy to hide.

Anita's POV
The two men were still arguing and I was getting bored.
I looked to my left.
Tommy was just as into the argument.
I looked in front of me.
I smiled.
Tubbo was checking out Belle's dagger with a droopy eyed gaze.
I went to reach for him, but the door opened.
Wilbur's son stood at the door. "Is Nikki in-"
He saw his opponents all standing in a room.
"Fundy! My boy!" Wilbur called in a high pitched voice. "What's your issue?"
The fox-faced boy took a step back. "Your guard's beating up Sapnap."
"She's WHAT?" Quackity asked with wide eyes, intrigued and noticeably concerned.
The room emptied, entering the crowd as fire came from the ring.
That was the Belle I knew.
She'd discarded her armor and was in her comfortable layers, hands wrapped as she dodged a blast of fire.
A huge grin on her face as she delivered a knee to her opponent's stomach, sending him backwards.
"Cmon! I could do this all day!" She called.
He fell to his knees.
She winced and walked over to him, leaning to grab his hand.
He took it and she helped him stand.
"You good?"
"Pft..." he didn't answer and squinted as he held his stomach.
"Everyone that betted on him, leave!" She called out to the crowd, cheers shaking the ground.
After a few minutes and a few more much easier opponents, and the group was noticeably thinning.
Also, the bloodthirst was even more obvious on Belle's face.
"Belle." Wilbur grabbed the lowest rope of the ring. "Enough."
She looked down, her smile starting to fade. "Right.." she said, wiping her sweat away. "Everyone out!" She belted before jumping down.
"That got hard to watch.." Tommy shook his head.
"Yeah, if you're a pussy." I nudged his shoulder.
"Shut up!"
"For someone who's trained to listen, I expect better from you." Wilbur said sharply.
I saw Belle physically cave in on herself before standing up straight.
"Right. Sorry, your m-" she caught herself. "Sir."
I covered my mouth, looking up to Wilbur with shock.
He sounded like my father.
I looked back to Belle, eyes down towards the ground.
"They're gone, she did what you asked in a way that worked and made you look good. You should be thanking her!" I spoke up, getting more enraged with every word. "She's my lady in waiting and you must treat her with respect or I swear to you she'll never once raise a finger for you ever again-"
A hand rested on my shoulder.
"Anita." Belle said calmly. "I'll finish escorting the last people out. I'll report back when I'm done."
Wilbur, still processing the verbal attack, just nodded.

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