26. Just Keep

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Anita's POV
"It was actually pretty funny.." Tommy argued, shrugging as the big three adults-that-can-fuck-our-shit-up stood over us angrily.
"Anita!" Techno exclaimed. "What was funny about using very experimental potions to make yourselves look like a bunch of people we know for a whole day-" he tried to hide his smile. "And then as Belle, confusing all of us and making Wilbur think that he was having a nightmare.." he began to chuckle at his last bit. "And saying that in order to wake up he had to do everything you said."
I couldn't hide my smile but Belle shot me a glare.
"I had to get him down from a spruce tree." She explained, monotone but not calm.
I stopped smiling.
"Anita, come." She ordered and my eyes grew wide with fear.
However, I wasn't the one in danger.
Tommy stood, looking like me.
And by that I mean he took the potion that made him look like me earlier.
"Tommy." Techno ordered and my heart sank.
I was Tommy.

Tommy's POV
Oh fuck.
This was already a dumb move. It was hilarious to be Big Q for an hour, and making Wil eat that ant made my day, but now I had to go get told off by Belle as Anita and try and pretend to be her the whole time.
I was already way too freaked out just by how short I was...

Anita's POV
"Get your armor? You're acting like this is your first time going." Techno rolled his eyes.
"I'm sor-"
Don't apologize! Tommy wouldn't apologize!
"I'm doin it!" I yelled harshly
"Watch your attitude, kid. Belle's gonna hear you and come stab you or something."
I chuckled.
We began walking outside and I tried my hardest to piece where we were headed.
I'd only gone out for little adventures with Tommy since I got back from Manberg, so I didn't know the area like everyone else.
"Keep up."
"I'm trying!"
He pushed away some moss covering a dark stone surface.
Purple magic swirled in the deep black frame and my eyes were wide.
"Anita?" He asked.
"Yeah?" I replied, in awe.
"I mean- no." I said in Tommy's shitty accent.
He crossed his arms. "You switched? Why??"
I shrugged.
"Okay.. you've never been to the nether?"
I scoffed. "Yeah.. no."
"Jesus- we should go back."
I pulled my gaze from the portal. "Well- wait. I wanna see it."
Techno sighed. "If I've figured out you're you then Belle definitely has Tommy beat up in a corner somewhere."
I scratched the back of my head. "He's fine! Belle doesn't ever actually punish me when I'm in trouble."
I flinched. "Well- yes technically she makes me do stuff I don't want to do but I wouldn't consider it.. adequate punishment for some of the things I do."
He deadpanned.
"Yeah, no- you're coming with me."
"Really?!" I said with a smile.
He smirked.
"It's not what you think it is.."
My eyes were re-glued on the purple swirls.
"Here we go.."

Tommy's POV
Oh shit.
This was fuckin shit.
"Making Wilbur eat an ant was messed up, Anita." Belle said as we entered Belle's workroom.
I wasn't allowed in here since that fire thing.
"It was funny..." I mumbled.
She reached for a box at the top of a shelf and pulled it out.
"Tommy is rubbing off on you with that attitude.." she said in a warning tone.
"Is he?" I said, trying to be more convincing.
She laughed. "No, not one bit.."
Was Belle just.. sarcastic???
"Sit!" She encouraged and I sat on a little cushion.
All around was fabric and potion stuff.
It was so crafty that Belle's demonic energy was neutralized.
"You know you have to do it, don't just look at me with wide eyes.." she said as she reached in the box, pulling out a.. smaller box?
I just stared cluelessly, accepting my fate and awaiting to be caught.
"Hands." She demanded as she pulled over a small table to put between us.
I placed my hands out on the table.
She sat opposite me and stared.
"Painting your nails, Nita.." she blinked.
"What? Oh-" I turned my hands around.
"Color?" She asked.
"Red!" I yelled out. "WAIT!"
What would Anita say?!
"Oh yeah, red!" I confirmed.
She shook her head and smiled. "Alright."

Techno's POV
"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!" Anita screamed, arms and legs wrapped around me as she clung to my back for her dear life.
At least she wasn't Tommy anymore...
"It's a ghast." I replied.
"KILL IT!" She shook me as she yelled.
"It's fine, just don't get close." I explained, hoping my calm tone would help her calm down too.
It didn't.
"I wanna go home.." she whined.
I shrugged her off of my shoulders and she quickly grabbed my cape and almost pulled me to the ground as she hid under it.
"Kid-" I yanked my cap back and Anita, newly exposed to the open, panicked. "Kid!" I grabbed her shoulders. "You need to calm down."
"Calm down?! There's lava everywhere and it's hot and it smells like burnt food! There's big scary monsters everywhere! Get me outta here!"
I couldn't help but laugh a bit. "Let's find a forest. Those are safe, okay? Then we can go back."
She nodded, pouting.
She walked very close, flinching at any noise.
"Can I have a-" she paused, eyes going wide. "Oh my god!"
I had my hand on my sword as she stared forward with wide eyes.
"What?! What is it??"
She turned to me with a smile.
"With you it's literally a piggy back ride!" She cheered.
"You freaked me out for a bad pun?"
Her smile remained.
At least there was less intense fear.
"You want to use me as a means of transportation?"
"Absolutely. Turn around." She nodded.

Tommy's POV
"So then I just.. held him? I didn't know what else to do." Belle was explaining something. Honestly I couldn't care less, I was focused on painting her nails with as much precision as possible.
I was in too deep for her to find out now... I had to do just as good of a job as Anita would do.
"So, anything in your recent letters with Tubbo?"
My eyes shot up to her.
"No, why?"
"Really? You always have something to say about him." She teased.
"Well not today.." I grumbled.
"Did something happen? Frustrated because you haven't said the words again?"
"The words?!"
She smiled. "Oh, how I love you so!!" She mocked.
Anita did say that she loved him to me already. Why did it still feel gross to hear?
"Shut up! I don't like him!" I painted another nail.
"You don't?"
"No! I like.. Tommy!"
Why'd I say that?
"What?? Why?"
"He's tall and strong!"
"He is? I mean, he's not the tallest. Actually, he's the shortest man here."
"Yeah?! Well at least he's a man!"
"That's never been a requirement for you." Belle said.
"I like women?!"
She sighed. "Tommy, you turned back half an hour ago."
I looked down.
No more boobs..
I frowned.
Then my eyes were wide.
"Belle, I can explain-"
"I knew before we split up."
My face contorted angrily. "You made me paint nails with you instead of going to the nether?! Cmon!"
"Yep. You deserved a real punishment, unlike how Techno's been treating you. Doing something menial and time consuming with no real emotional reward while having to control your impulses was perfect."
"What about Anita?! She's in the most dangerous place she can be in right now and you're okay with it??"
"Techno's got her. Plus I know she's giving him hell right now and he deserves it."

Anita's POV
"THIS IS SO COOL!" When I stood by the weird blue mushrooms, their spores turned the mushrooms growing off my forearms into the same kind they were.
"Techno! Isn't this cool!?"
"Can we go?" He asked, defeated.
"I really like the forests!" I ignored him.
"I know..."
"Can I take some of the mushrooms?"
"Can we leave if you can?"
"Sure!" I said cheerfully.
"Perfect!" He cried. "How many?"
A smile tugged at my lips.
"How many, you say..?"

"We're hoooome!" I called out as we entered the ravine."
"What about Tommy's cover?" Techno asked as he carried a very full bag.
"He's been changed back for as long as I have! My potion recipe is still unstable. I struggle with longevity."
"That's what he said." Techno chuckled.
"PFT- that's inappropriate." I scolded, hiding my smile.
"My bad.." he placed the bag on a table and we both listened for the sounds of screaming.
"No way!" Belle exclaimed, and we both shot a look to each other that noted how improbable that sentence was.
Her workroom?
We neared the door cautiously.
"And then Sapnap and Tubbo both were on their like- fuckin last leg! So I-"
"You missed a.."
"See it- so then I used a fishing rod and snatched Dream by the hood-"
"I know!! So-"
The door swung open and Techno and I had our jaws to the floor.
Tommy was ranting his stories as he did Belle's nails. His nails were also red and dotted like a mushroom.
"You're back!" Tommy said happily. "Look!" He grabbed Belle's wrist and pushed her hand towards us.
She yanked her and away and whacked the back of his head with her other hand.
"Wait until it dries!" She scolded. "Anita! Why are your mushrooms blue???" She asked, shocked.
"Oh shit, they are!" Tommy exclaimed.
"Its the spores in the nether! They mutate mine!"
"Is that dangerous?" Tommy asked.
I looked to Techno.
He shrugged.
"We donno yet. Probably not."
Belle was now next to me, eyeing me closely.
"I think it's okay. You aren't sporing."
"Sporing?" Techno asked.
"Instead if sneezing, Anita will just poof out particles once in a while. It's gross." Tommy explained.
"You're gross!" I yelled to him.
"Excuse me?! Who has beautiful nails and who has fungus on their head?!"
"I'll make you visit your mother, you prick!" I yelled and Techno let out a hearty laugh.
"No murder, please." Belle instructed.
"For now.." I said warningly.
"Hey guys!"
We all looked down the ravine.
"I've got the bombs laid out and ready!" Wilbur cheered.
Belle took a breath before turning to go back into her workshop, slamming the door before anyone could say something else.
"Fuck off.." Tommy spat, leaving to go to his room.
"Alright.." Techno said with surprise at how the two left so fast. "I'm off then."
Everyone had disappeared and I couldn't help but stay still.
"If you do this, there will be consequences. The universe doesn't just let stuff like this happen." I said.
"Yeah.. but you lot do." He took a step back, holding his arms out. "If I'm destined for hell then you're all coming down with me!" He laughed, disappearing into the shadows.

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