9. Blue's Caught your Tounge?

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Belle's POV
I took a breath.
I'd be okay.
This was a standard visit. To get paid for the week and leave, just as I had done for the past two weeks.
Maybe I was paranoid, but remembering the feeling of Wilbur's eyes on the back of my head in that first week was enough to make me alert every time I entered his office.
I peaked my head in after knocking, the man hovered over a piece of paper, quill in his hand.
I cleared my throat, pulling him back into reality.
He looked surprised, eyes turning to crescents as he smiled.
"Belle! Just who I wanted to see!"
I stepped into the room. "Yes?"
"Now, being direct with people is something I try to do. And I think I should be direct with you."
I looked up. "As should I." I said cautiously.
He nodded and stood, turning and pouring two glasses of expensive alcohol.
With his back still turned, he continued. "You remember how you both showed up?"
I gripped the side of my pants. "Wouldn't say I remember, given I was passed out."
He chuckled, turning and handing me a glass.
I hesitated as I grabbed the glass from his extended fingers.
"I noticed that neither of you had a scratch on you. You were just exhausted." He took a sip and sat back down. "I assume you came across hostiles on your journey? Evil creatures, shady people?"
"Yes, why?" I straightened my posture.
"How'd neither one of you take a single hit and still manage for that long without any armor or strong weapons?" He inquired.
"I'm sworn to protect Anita. I kept her safe, thats it."
"So you're skilled?"
"Only the most skilled Taurans in the whole kingdom are assigned to royalty."
"Tauran? Is that different from Funtaurian?" He asked.
I was shocked he remembered.
"Tauran means I am dominant for the cow gene. Usually only found in our male population. Only Taurans can do laborious jobs, like guarding. We're much stronger than the general population, tougher skin, better hearing and instincts."
"Impressive!" He laughed.
"I had to beat 300 male Taurans in order to become a Lady in Waiting for Anita."
Something clicked behind his eyes.
"Exactly what I thought! Now- here I was thinking you two were some pair of spies or excellent mercenaries, but when I realized that it was just you.." he leaned back, spinning his office chair around. "I mean wow!"
"You're looking for my skills?" I asked bluntly, his chair freezing with him.
He let out a sigh. "With the election around the corner, and a new party joining-"
"New party..?"
"Yes. A man. A dangerous man. He'll bring harm to me, you, the princess!" His mannerisms became more jerky. Stress dripping from his tone. "I thought I could convince him to help.. and he stood right here in my office and defied me... But if you can be there- show everyone the power we hold! We can win without a doubt."
My expression screamed skepticism, and he quickly swung around his desk, closer to me.
"He'll try something, I know he will. And I don't have trust for anyone with your skills- anyone!" He pointed at me, eye twitching. "Not in a long time.."
He seemed to calm himself down as he got lost in his memories.
He took a sharp inhale and returned to the conversation. "You're someone who I can't trust either!" He said with a smile. "But you have a liability."
I widened my stance, looking up at him with an intense glare.
"If you do anything to the princess-"
"No! No no no! I won't do anything to her!" He paused, leaning closer. "But he will. He'll hurt everyone here if he wins. Including the princess. Especially her!"
"Why her??" I let the desperation slip through my throat.
"Because she's been getting along with his son."

Anita's POV
"Hold still!" I called out angrily as Tubbo leaned against a tree. "And stand up straight!"
He groaned and stood straight up. "This is your worst one yet!" He yelled to me, taking a step closer.
"Stay back! I don't know if it's safe."
"Then why'd you make me drink it?!!" He cried as the color blue stained his skin.
"I'm focusing!" I called, dismissing his complaints.
I was trying out new potions, and was using my friend as an unwilling volunteer.
"I feel.. calm? Does that help?"
I thought.
"Probably not! Just stay still!"
Currently, he was blue because of one of them, and I sat across a field drawing him in my potions book.
"I think it's faded a bit, Anita!" He called out.
I quickly checked my clock.
I jotted down a time, thanking him.
"Oh! Look!" He called my attention.
The color faded fast, his normal skin tone returning.
I watched in awe, the tip of his nose taking the longest to turn back to its normal color.
"Time, Anita! Time!"
I gasped and checked the clock, subtracting five seconds and writing that down.
I slammed the book and stood up, running to him and squealing.
"I did it! My own first potion!!" I spun, opening the book back up. "With an opacity of 14 minutes per bottle and no side effects!"
He smiled, his tongue blue.
"One side effect-"
"Hey!!" Tommy yelled from the path next to the field.
"What??" I called back.
"Come here!!" He called.
"You come here!" Tubbo said.
"For fuck sake... GET OVER HERE!" He yelled.
I scoffed and grabbed my bag, walking towards him.
He looked panicked, his eyes traveling in every direction as he waited.
"What's up?" I asked.
"Tubbo, it's him."
"Its your father. He's here- Wil invited him to endorse us and something happened..."
I watched him go pale. "He's here for the election then? To watch?" He asked.
Tommy's face went blank for a moment, an apology forming on his lips.
"I'm sorry, He's running now-"
"He's WHAT??"
I flinched at the volume.
"He- he can't do that!"
Tommy reached and put a hand on his shoulder. "You need to go talk to Wil."
He shook a bit, nodding at the statement and walking away without another word.
It didn't feel right to say anything. He'd go on and on about all of the things he'd overcome, but not once did he mention his father.
I looked back to Tommy who watched him disappear into the horizon.
"What the hell is happening..?"
"His father. He's such a bitch that Dream didn't even want him around."
"I thought he was your brother? Grew up with you and Wilbur?"
That was after his dad was gone. He's been banished from The Greater SMP for years."
"And now he's here..? To run for president?"
"Yes!" He called out, tired. "And I don't have a good feeling about it.."

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