25. Ur Mom

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Anita's POV
The energy in the ravine was tragic. Belle and Wilbur returned soaking wet as two different people than when they left.
I didn't like Wilbur. He had let go of something and all he could talk about was the festival.
Belle made me sad.
She hadn't noticed when I stopped wearing the crown.
Or maybe she didn't care. She wouldn't leave her room for anything. Not for days.
I'd check on her, bring her food. Even Tommy did a few times.
He's been taking things hard.
Wilbur is his brother and his friend. But all Tommy hears from him is dismissive, aggressive language as he promises to destroy one of the only things Tommy has left to care about.
Techno isn't a help either. He's been clear about wanting L'Manberg gone from the start, and this is getting that done.
Belle would be his last option. He likes her because she takes care of him and has been listening more. She really does see a lot in him too. But I watched him close her bedroom door with another uneaten meal from the last day.
I've written to Tubbo about it. He says to just be considerate and listen if he talks about it.
He also said to focus on myself first, but.. that was hard now.
I never wanted to focus on myself again. Not after what Morel said. The crown was just a ghost I was carrying around on my shoulders. It was narcism objectified. A burden for those I care for to handle. 
I couldn't go on with only half my vision and that weight on my shoulders. Literally and metaphorically.
"Can I?" Tommy approached, snapping me from my thoughts as I shaded in potion bottles.
I looked up at his tired eyes with sympathy.
I scooted forward and he sat behind me on the back of the stone bench, legs stretched out on either side.
He began to pick the mushrooms off of my head for me, since they've been growing too much after being out of my hat for the first time.
I continued to sketch as he leaned over my head and gently pulled the small things from my hair.
"This one's long." He observed.
"That's what she said.." I mumbled back and he exhaled a chuckle.
"Your mom.." he said, focused.
"Your mom." I retorted in the same tone.

Techno's POV
I think I made a mistake while I talked to Belle.
Or maybe even talking to her was a mistake.
She seemed to do what I needed her to do though. She stopped Wilbur from falling for her and not following through with his plan.
Only, maybe it didn't go perfectly for her.
Wilbur was doing great, don't get me wrong. He's been working hard nonstop and I've been helping, but she's locked herself away.
For a while it was easy to not care because of what she said.
She doesn't care about me either..
But then I felt like this was my fault. And with the day of the festival so soon I couldn't shake the anxiety building up.
Until I was knocking at her door.
Should I go in? I mean, I'm probably the last person she wants to talk to.
Or maybe it's Wilbur.
Fuck it.
"Belle." I opened the door and she was sitting in the dark.
I lit the room up enough for her to have to squint.
She gave no response to my presence otherwise.
"You're not eating." I said as I pulled a chair next to her.
She turned to look at me.
Not at me.
Through me.
"You're not showering either..." I joked and her eyes finally met mine.
"I showered this morning-" she sniffed her shoulder and looked back once she realized what I had done.

Belle's POV
He wasn't wearing his mask.
I didn't notice until after he called me stinky to make me listen to him.
He had a bigger nose than I thought he would. His eyes were much more red in the direct light and his eyebrows looked just as bold and dark as I expected them to be.
A strong structure, but with a delicate quality that showed that he wasn't always like he is now.
A bitch.
"What do you want?" I asked.
"Are you doing okay?"
"That was a really dumb question."
"Do you wanna talk about what happened?"
I laughed at him.
"I know you want to relive that guilty pit in your stomach, but I don't frankly have the effort or care to do that for you." I swung my blankets off and slid on my slippers, heading for the door.
"Anything else??"
He furrowed his brows. "Something smells.."
"Well I DIDN'T shower this morning!" I yelled before storming.
Towards the bath.

Tommy's POV
"Wil, you're making a mistake!"
"Tommy, can you be quiet for once?" He retorted like a dickhead.
"He's right!" Anita backed me up.
We'd been just hanging out when mr trigger happy came in showing off the scale TNT rig he made for our home.
"I don't need to be lectured by children about morals or whatever! I mean, who's the one in charge here, huh?" He said in a jokey tone.
It wasn't a joke.
"You don't see how what you're doing is bad?"
"No, it is princess!" He nodded. "I just don't care!" He smiled widely.
Anita backed into my leg and I put a hand on her shoulder.
"Can you just piss off, man!" I groaned.
"Tell me what you think of the rig!" He whined.
"It's fuckin' stupid!" I yelled.
"Oh come on!"
"Go!" I demanded.
"But I worked hard! I mean-"
"Anita, Tommy. Help me outside."
Belle's presence deafened the annoying twat.
My smile grew and Anita jumped up a second before me.
"Yes ma'am!" I called, voice rising in excitement to see her about again.
"Did you need them for something?" Her tone was icy, and so we froze.
She was talking to Wilbur.
"Oh, no. Go ahead."
Yeah, where's the rig now, dickhead...
We got to the top and I couldn't hold back my words any longer.
"You showed his ass! I mean, no boundaries on that bitch! I love him like a brother but he's a fuckin handful now, isn't he?"
"He is your brother?" Anita corrected.
I dismissed her. "Eh.. but thanks for letting us escape, Belle! I mean it's so good to see you up and around! You won't believe what-"
She placed a box in my arms.
"I actually did need your help." She said with a smile that barely touched her face.
"Oh.." I whined. "Where do you want the box?"
"Those four need to be put inside, I don't care how." She said simply before leaving again.
I frowned.
Anita pouted.
"At least she's up." She said sadly.
I rolled my eyes.
"At least.." I spat.

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