16. Alone Together

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Anita's POV
"Not a good idea."
Tubbo put two bowls of soup on the table.
"It's my home, if I'm quick nobody will see me."
"You'll be caught, Anita.." he tried to reason with me.
"I don't have any of my belongings here."
"It's not worth it, I have stuff here that you can use."
"I can't just use your stuff! That's impolite, and plus then I can find a way to reach the others if I have my book back-"
"Anita, please! Please don't.."
I swallowed hard. "I- you said I shouldn't have come-"
"I mean, you did. And now that you're here I don't- you shouldn't get caught."
"They know I'm here."
"They can't get to you if Belle tries something, but only if you stay here. Leaving would give them an opportunity to hurt you."
I sighed harshly and slid the bowl of food close to me.
"Also I.. really don't want to be alone here." He added as he looked down at his food.
I relaxed a bit and sat up straight, taking my crown off.
He looked up for a second, doing a double take when my crown was placed on an open chair.
"Yes?" I asked.
"I've never seen your whole head before." He said.
I laughed, embarrassed.
"You look pretty, of course!! I just hadn't ever- oh, was that weird to say??"
"You're alright!" I chuckled, looking down to eat.
"And thank you."
"Hm?" He responded.
"For saying I look.. you know.." I looked away, face flushing a bit.
"Oh! Ah- you're welcome!"
There was no eye contact made for the next hour.

I'd been resting by the fire for a few hours while Tubbo was busy in his workshop doing who knows what.
Fall was coming to an end, and so came the icy teeth of winter when the sun set.
I was warm by the fire, but couldn't help but still feel it.
Or maybe it was worry that I felt.
I was warm here but everyone else- Belle..
The cold was surely eating them alive now, and here I was watching a little fire dance.
I wish I could've told Belle I was coming here. I wish I could've told her anything before I left.
It was becoming more obvious how dangerous this situation was, and the most horrible thoughts raced through my head every time I blinked.
But the worst one by far, was the fact that I have no idea what my last words to Belle were.

Tubbo's POV
I was still breathing heavily when I made it to the kitchen, grabbing a pitcher of water.
I tended to not know when to stop working when I'd focus, so my body would have to eject me from my focus manually sometimes. Like now when I started getting dizzy and lightheaded after spending so much time underground.
My glass slammed down loudly and I looked to the fire.
My eyebrows shot up and an amused smile made its way to my lips.
Anita had fallen asleep while sitting up, just slightly hunched forward with her arms limp at her sides like she was bowing her head to the fireplace.
I looked at her for a second, taking in the funny pose.
Only, the momentum of her head being leaned forward started to affect the rest of her.
She began falling into the fire.
I quickly lunged and pulled her backwards by her shoulders.
I'd fallen to the ground in a desperate attempt to not cook even more mushroom, and as a consequence she was now asleep on top of me, and I was trapped under the princess that was getting more and more comfortable with every second.
I tried to scoot back, but a groan came from her subconscious.
She turned and bawled my shirt, just relaxing more.
I attempted to escape once again but her grip tightened.
Her face contorted into what looked like pain and she pulled me closer.
So I reluctantly let her lay until she was in a deep enough sleep for me to sneak out from under her and replace myself with a pillow.
As I was leaving I put a blanket over her, making sure the fire was still alive.
For one moment I lingered before carrying down the hall and climbing into my bed.
Oh how cold it was.

Belle's POV
It was just before sunrise and the world was blue.
I was wrapped in as many layers as possible as I sat in one of the lowest branches of a dewed oak tree. I could still feel the cold.
Or maybe worry.
I had no idea how Anita was doing and it was keeping me awake.
But then again I couldn't blame her for leaving. She deserved a bed and her friend. Duty aside, I knew she was capable of staying safe, I didn't need to hover over her.
But being away from her brought back voices that I hadn't heard in a while.
I rubbed my neck, the hard scaring unpleasant to the touch.
I heard the sound of feet on the grass and spun towards the door of the hill.
I pulled my feet up and looked closer.
The third day that the pink haired man had left before dawn without a word...
I squinted as he checked his bag and carried himself East.
A yawn escaped my mouth once he was out of sight.
The door opened again.
Wilbur took a deep breath, and with an exhale his shoulders fell.
He rubbed his face, groaning, before he was fully relaxed.
He'd been having to do that more and more. Come to the surface and breathe.
He'd been losing himself down there.
"Belle?" He asked, looking straight up at me.
I flinched.
"How'd you see me?"
"You've got bright red eyes and white hair in a tree. How could I not?"
I frowned.
"Can't sleep?" He asked.
I nodded. I anticipated that cold feeling that always came with his questions now. It was always followed by something I needed to do for him.
"It's about the princess?" He continued to pry.
I nodded again, my insides not yet matching the cold air.
He continued to walk forward and now stood below me. He grabbed a low branch and pulled himself up with relative ease.
He grabbed a branch above me and swung himself around, landing on the outside of the branch so I could keep my comfortable spot against the trunk.
I appreciated the courtesy but not the company.
"Sleep has been difficult lately. Just a drop of water hitting the ground echoes through that whole cavern."
I hummed in agreement.
"I've been trying to come up with a plan to get the princess back safely." He admitted and my eyes shot to him.
He looked over the horizon with focus, his breath visible in the cold.
"You have?"
He nodded. "It's hard. None of us can walk in there and get her, and sneaking in puts her and Tubbo in danger."
"Him too?"
He furrowed his eyebrows and looked to me. "He's there making sure she's safe and hidden away."
"How do you know that??"
His dumbfounded expression produced a laugh. "Do you see how they look at each other..?"
I sat in confusion.
He bit his tongue and looked back ahead.
"He's very kind and protective. I'm sure she's safe with him. Don't worry too much, alright?"
I took my eyes off of him and focused forward. "She can take care of herself. She's always been able to."
He waited for me to continue.
"She's so independent that I never really understood my job completely. And now that I'm no longer obligated to take care of her..." I trailed off.
"You feel like you're missing purpose." He finished.
I smiled to myself. "It's like I don't have meaning unless I'm needed."
The sun started to bring the color back into the world.
"Well if it makes you feel any better, I'm shit at taking care of myself." He joked.
I chuckled. "You're not half bad.."
"No, no, I'm serious. Hell, I can hardly be by myself!"
I looked to him. "You've founded a country and ran it!"
He shook his head. "Unlike your princess, I can't succeed without people backing me. Though that's become more obvious in the past few days, hm?"
"Don't drag yourself down like that. Other people don't define your strength. There's nothing wrong with needing others."
His smile grew. "You hear what you said? That other people don't define your strength?" He grinned at me.
He half rolled his eyes. "Must I point everything out to you?"
I nudged him softly. "You better."
"You should.." he yawned and stretched. "..take your own advice.."
I felt a bit dense.
My strength isn't defined by Anita. Or Wilbur. Or anyone I've served. I painted the picture myself and didn't even see it.
But if not serving, than what? I didn't know a life of independence and choice. Then comes the question of whether or not I care for people. Have I been conditioned to care for who I love, or love who I care for? Which is worse? Does the difference mean anything? What do-
A weight hit my shoulder, followed by soft snoring.
He'd made me question my entire life and then peacefully fallen asleep on my shoulder.
I shrugged, trying to wake him.
He didn't budge.
I looked away for any form of escape, but instead saw the grass turn gold as the sun came up past the hills.
The grass sparkled from the dewdrops and the birdsong made it seem just as magical.
Warmth began to waltz in the air and I relaxed for the first time in a few days.
What a warm morning..

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