13. Cultural Practices

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Anita's POV
"This calls for Funturian celebration!" I called out as I helped my two friends sweep up the streets lined with trash from the crowd yesterday.
"We heard you the first time! Absolutely not!" Tommy argued.
"Cmon! It's not like last time-"
"Last time you lied and I ended up in a ditch with four cows at midnight!"
I chuckled. "Okay! That's cause I lied.." I couldn't finish my sentence because I was laughing too hard.
He deadpanned.
"..To make you look bad.."
He angrily continued to sweep.
"Wait! But this time it's real!" I grabbed the broom from his hands.
"Give it!" He called and I pulled it behind me.
"Please help me express my culture." I smiled.
"If you don't then you hate me."
He smiled.
"Dick.." I rolled my eyes, dropping his broom.
I slid over as Tubbo picked up a piece of trash.
"Heyyy.." I began.
"Hello?" He asked, suspicious.
"I had a crazy idea."
He waited.
"Would you wanna try some Funturian celebratory drinks and maybe find a way to get Tommy to go into that ditch with those cows again?"
He tied his garbage bag, looking around. "I'll get the cows."

The day of the election. My stomach had been bubbling with anticipation for a whole week, and now it was at its height.
I woke up after Belle left, but still early enough to roll my eyes at her sleep schedule.
I got ready and headed straight for Tubbo's house. I knew how much he'd be dreading this day and I wanted to be there for him. His contact with his father had been kept to a bare minimum but it was likely unavoidable today.
He didn't answer, but I looked out to his yard and saw him crouched next to a tree.
I hopped over the fence and approached quietly.
"Hey." I greeted.
He barely looked up and I knelt in the grass next to him.
I followed his gaze and frowned.
A few dozen bees laid still on the ground.
"The queen died." He said, his voice quiet. "Without her, the hive panics and some of them- most of them- don't make it."
I took a breath.
I widened my legs, two fingers to my temples, and bowed forward, my crown casting a shadow over the fallen bees.
I whispered a blessing and rose.
He waited for an explanation, confused and a bit distraught.
"A ritual that insures that the spirit of the cow will watch over them on their afterlife journeys. So that they'll always be protected." I explained.
"I like that." He said quietly.

Belle's POV
I stood behind Wilbur on the podium, the country's entirety gathered below as an impartial announcer was reading off election results.
I looked to Anita.
She was already watching me.
It was down to Wilbur and Quackity.
"The next president of L'Manberg is..." he pulled out the election results. "POG20XX."
My eyes shot back to the stage.
I assessed all other parties and there reactions before turning back to Tommy and Wilbur.
Quackity's smile made me reach behind my back.
"Oh, Wilbur.." he began, interrupting the teary acceptance speech. I pulled Tommy's wrist, putting the boy behind me.
I looked to Anita, giving a nod.
She shook her head but I gave the sternest look I could.
She glanced next to her, her friend with wide eyes.

"You know where to go?"
"Yes- but Belle, wouldn't it be okay if I just told them in case-"
"Absolutely not. This is a precautionary measure, nothing more. You need to be as far away as possible if I signal."
Anita gripped her blanket.

She stood and quickly squeezed through the crowd, hurrying through the shadows.
"You see, I've stricken a deal. No matter the results, Schlatt and Swag would pull our votes together and become a single party."
"Under who?!" Wilbur yelled.
"Get him off the stage." Quackity dismissed.
I stepped forward when the security went for him.
Wilbur turned his head to me. "Stop.. there's nothing we can do"
He calmly descended the steps.
"You can't do that!" Tommy stayed, yelling.
"Get him." Wilbur instructed.
I listened and put a hand on his shoulder.
"Come on-"
"No! No! This can't-" his shoulders dropped. "This can't be it.." his voice broke.
I coerced him after Wilbur, my chest filled with dread.
"What are we gonna-"
"We don't know if it's under him or Schlatt."
"If it's Sch-"
"I know!" He whisper-yelled to the boy as I followed them down.
Bending horns were the first thing visible when the stand was taken.
I looked around, making sure Anita was gone.
"Oh, wow.." his voice was harsh. "President, ay?" He laughed.
"Wilbur, what-" I began.
"Wait." He demanded.
"You know, this wouldn't be possible without my good pal Quackity, or without such an oppressive, gatekeeping government in place."
I eyed the crowd, multiple eyes on the now-ex president.
"And as president of l'manberg.. no.. as EMPEROR! OF THIS COUNTRY! I think it'd be appropriate.. that I hereby REVOKE the citizenship of Wilbur Soot and Tommyinnit! And BANISH them from the walls of L'manberg!"
"Go! Go!" Wilbur yelled as an arrow flew through the air.
I pushed Tommy and covered the two as attacks came from all around.
"Go! Left, go! Go!" I yelled, turning and keeping up with them as we leapt over fences and cut sharp corners.
"The wall!" Tommy cried.
"Here, follow!" I called, taking lead and running to a spot in the tall wall where it cracked.
I slid the slate out, letting the two escape quickly before I covered it back up on my way out.
"Come, hurry. And keep low!" I ordered as we entered the forest.
I quickly pushed through trees and over hills, pulling the two along when needed.
A small clearing opened up, a door oddly placed in front of a hill.
I carefully knocked.
Three times, then once.
It swung open immediately.
"Anita?!" Tommy called out.
"Get in." I ordered.

Anita's POV
The lantern flickered as the multiple people moved around inside the small cave that was just wall to wall dirt.
"What happened?? Where's Tubbo?" I questioned.
"Tubbo!" Tommy's eyes shot up, more tears falling down his face. "We have to go get him!"
I flinched at Wilbur's words.
"What..?" I questioned. "Belle??"
She held her head low. "Quackity pulled a wild card and now Schlatt-"
Wilbur slammed his fist on the wall.
"Oh god.." I swallowed.
This was devastation. A feeling of total failure and loss.
Something that comes from losing your own battle.
Losing your home.
From leaving someone behind.
"We have to do something!" Tommy yelled.
"He's right! He's-" realization flooded over me. "I can go back! I can get Tubbo- or- or keep him safe! I can come report back to you on everything!"
"No!" Belle yelled. "Absolutely not, are you crazy?!"
"She should! She could be our spy! Wil-"
"Stop. Both of you stop!" Belle yelled. "Calm your emotions, breathe, and process. It's not your time to speak."
A silence as cold as night followed, every second making my insides swell.
This was hopelessness.

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