28. Colors Beyond our Stars

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Anita's POV
Techno turned to me with a goofy grin as he stepped out of the arena.
Nikki giggled quietly.
He was sweaty and gross but he had money that I happily traded him with for his stuff.
"Oh! Nikki! Wilbur wanted me to-" he began.
"Anita already filled me in."
He paused and frowned at me.
"You took too long!" I argued with his sad face.
"It's great to see you! I haven't seen you since school." Nikki said.
"Yeah, jeez... you ever become a pastry chef like you wanted?"
She smiled to me. "I did. And I will."
Techno, confused by the intensity but ever supportive, let out a "cool!" Before loud fanfare came from down the road.
The podium lit up with lights.
"It's now or never.." Nikki said, dread building in the airZ
We began walking and-
I was pulled into a new building with no lights on.
Someone had my hands behind my back and another hand over my mouth.
"Anita! Anita! Calm down! It's- it's me!"
My eyes went wide and I bit his hand.
He let go of me and let out a yelp.
The lights from the stage made it easier to see.
"Morel?! The hell are you doing here?!"
"Listen, Princess, I'm sorry and I just wanted a moment where Belle or that scary.. pig guy wasn't there."
"No! You don't get that!" I began towards the door but I felt my head yank backwards.
He pulled me by my crown.
"I'm sorry-"
I smacked him across the face.
"What could possibly warrant this?!"
He grabbed his face, biting his teeth.
"It's about your father..."
I stopped before winding up again.
"My.. brother." He stood.
"What about him?" I demanded.
"He's not-"
The door slammed open.
"You. I saw you walking down here, you fucking-" Belle had her hand to his throat in a second. "I'll kill you myself right here!"
"Belle! Belle wait!" I pulled her shoulder back and she looked to me with first red eyes.
"He has information about Funtaura. About my father."
She stopped moving for a second.
She loosened her grasp and let him choke for air.
"This better be important. Your life depends on it."
"Your father... isn't dead." He coughed out.
I caved in on myself. "Wha- no! He's dead!" I yelled.
"He's not.. because I'm not."
"What..?" I squinted, shaking my head.
Belle's eyes went wide and she gasped.
"Anita, he's-"
"I'm your father, Anita. Your mother and I. We loved each other."
A firework.
Screams followed.
Belle dragged me by the wrist into the light just as Techno turned and shot fireworks at a disbursing crowd.
Shock from head to toe.
Everything was fuzzy as I scanned over all the colors.
Tommy now stood on the podium, screaming at Techno.
Blood behind him.
Green tie.
The world flooded back in and tears streamed down my face.
"TUBBO!" I cried.

Belle's POV
Anita sprinted towards the podium.
"We've got to go!" Wilbur yelled as the armed forces began to close in. Techno grabbed someone.
Oh my god.
He carried Tubbo's limp body as he pushed Tommy to Run ahead of him.
"Tommy!" I called.
"Anita, go with him!"
"But- Tubbo! He's still-"
"Techno and I will get him back! Go!" I pushed her as someone fired an arrow.
Tommy waited and grabbed her hand as they ran into the forest.
Techno jumped from the podium and landed by me.
My shield went up once the firing became too much.
"What happened?!" I screamed as I covered him.
"He's alive! I just- there was so much happening and I- I didn't know what to do!" He was so panicked. Something I'd never heard before.
A sword came down on my shield so I pushed it off of me.
"Let's go!" I ordered.
One arm holding Tubbo, the other with a sword, he fought back one of the guards.
"Fucking-" I threw my dagger and stabbed them in the hand.
They dropped their sword and Techno sprinted into the darkness.

Anita's POV
We all stood inside waiting.
"WHERE WAS IT?! THE BOMBS WERE GONE!! ALL OF THEM!" Wilbur screamed as he paced.
"WHAT?!" I yelled. "HE LOOKED DEAD! DID HE KILL HIM?! OH MY GOD, IS HE.." I began to cry.
"I DONT FUCKING KNOW!" Tommy yelled as I fell to my knees.
"Hello?!" Nikki's voice rang as she descended into the ravine.
"Here! We're in here!" Wilbur yelled out to her.
"Wilbur, you're alive!" She gasped, smiling. "Where's Techno and Tubbo?? Is he okay??"
The door slammed open and footsteps followed.
"Clear the table!" Belle yelled and we all came out to see.
I gasped and threw all cups and plates from the dining area.
"Tubbo!" I yelled, pushing the two out of the way.
His face was covered in blood.
Belle pulled me back and ripped cloth from Techno's cape.
"Far left cabinet!" She yelled to me.
I watched the blood drip down the table.
"Anita! Get the herbs!" She hissed.
I grabbed all the bottles I could and went back for the rest.
She uncorked two bottles and mixed them together.
That looked like old fish oil and rabbit droppings..
She placed the bottle under his nose and he took a breath, shooting straight up, disgusted.
Then he just screamed.
Painful cries that silenced the room.
"Hey! Hey, you're safe! You've been burnt so I need you awake to hold your breath!" Belle said as calmly as she could.
She signaled me to bring the bucket of water over.
She lifted it and put it next to her.
"Can you do that for me?!" She asked him and he whimpered, nodding slightly.
"Okay hold for three seconds.."
She dunked his head straight into the water.
"Another bucket- okay out!" She ordered before pulling him up.
He groaned and spat bloody water from his lips.
"I can see it better now.. okay. You're gonna be okay.."
"It hurts!" He sobbed out.
"I know, I know!" Three more seconds- ANITA GET THE WATER!"
I flinched and sprung into action.
"Here! I have healing potions!" Nikki called as she reentered the room.
"Perfect! Put it in Anita's new water."
I was shaking as I filled the bucket.
"Hey, don't worry. He's gonna be okay." Nikki said sweetly as she dumped the liquid in the water. "I know how scary it is but it'll be okay soon. Just try to stay focused."
I gulped and nodded.
Just stay focused.
For him.
He groaned out my name.
"Yes! Yes! I'm right here!"
His cheek to his neck was bloodied and torn, and he looked at me with wet eyes.
He reached and cupped my face with one hand.
"I- I made it back! Can I tell you now..?" His chest tightened with pain.
My tears fell on his fingers.
"Yes.." I choked out, the corners of my mouth turning up to match him.
"I love you, princess."
"I love you too..."
His expression softened.
"Stay by him." Belle's words cut through the moment like a knife.
"Apply the water when it stings- and just stay here! Try to activate your calming pheromones."
She followed the yelling down the hall and Nikki brought the bucket to me.
"Anita..?" He choked out.
"You look very pretty in your dress.."
I scoffed softly. "Sit still."
"Yes ma'am.."

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