29. Fightclub Basement

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Belle's POV
Tommy was screaming his lungs out, painful echos ringing through the caves.
I entered the room and he was banging his fists against Techno's chest. He stood straight, taking every hit like a stone wall.
Wilbur watched with a smile.
"We both would've been killed if I refused! I did what I had to!" He yelled back.
"No! You're weak! You shouldn't have done it! You're supposed to be on our side!"
"I am!"
"No you're not!! You almost killed Tubbo!"
"I did what I had to do!"
"FUCK YOU!" The boy cried. "You're pathetic!"
"Wanna act like a man?! Cause I'm not scared to show you what'll happen when you do."
Wilbur cheered. "Fight! Fight! Fight!"
My eyes went wide. "What?! You're crazy if you think you're gonna fight him!" I pulled Tommy's arm back.
"Shut the hell up." He growled.
He was overwhelmed and his thoughts were spewing out before he had time to think.
But he didn't seem to care.
"We're dealing with this in the pit."
"You can't just punch your feelings out!" I yelled.
"Let's do it." Tommy said back.
I gripped his arm harder. "Absolutely not."
"This isn't your place, Belle." Wilbur said in a relaxed tone. "Let them handle this."
"Wil... you know this isn't right." I made him look at me.
His smile dropped for a moment, before returning with even more glossy eyes. "Alright, leave your armor and weapons! That way it's fair."
"Come on!" I ran over to Techno and grabbed his forearm as he pulled his netherite cuff from the same wrist.
"He won't get over this any other way. Look at him." Tommy jumped down the ladder into the pit, stretching his arm out.
I frowned. "He's way in over his head.."
"I know."
"Go easy on him."
He sighed. "That's the last thing he needs right now."
My heart sank.
Wilbur had left and returned with Nikki by the time they were both in the pit.
Anita, assisting Tubbo walking, barreled in seconds after.
Tubbo leaned against a wall and quietly groaned.
"This isn't a good idea.." Nikki said, filled to the brim with worry.
I turned to look at Anita, who glared holes into Techno's back.
"Last chance to stop.." I said sadly.
"If it gets to be too much, I'm putting a stop to this myself." I warned.
A nod from Tommy.
I stepped back.
"Alright! Are you ready??" Wilbur yelled.
Tommy put his fists up and widened his stance.
Techno stood tall, rolling his shoulders back and cracking his neck.
Tommy was fast. I hadn't seen the boy fight ever before, but I knew that.
He dodged a direct attack from Techno and collided his fist into the side of the man's face.
I saw a smile dance across Anita's face.
Techno wasn't thrown off by it at all. He watched Tommy zoom around him. He was calculating.
Tommy landed a blow to his hip, but he remained unmoved, still watching.
I began to wince at what I knew would follow.
Tommy had practically run into his fist, flying back and hitting the hard ground with a thud.
He groaned but rose again, clenching his shoulder for a moment before going right back to it.
Another punch to his face this time, without a chance to even get close.
Tommy wouldn't stay down.
He lunged and pushed Techno back, sending fist after fist into the man's side.
Three steps back before Techno had his balance back.
He pulled Tommy back with one hand, and with the other, swung a punch right into the gut of the boy.
He hit the farthest wall and fell on his hands and knees.
Anita turned her head when he coughed up bile and blood onto the floor.
"Alright, he's down-" I began.
He contradicted me.
He came at him, slow and misstepped.
Another punch that pushed him back.
And another.
"Oh god.." Tubbo said in a shaky tone.
And another.
"Techno!" Anita yelled.
Tommy was on the ground now, the man over him kicking his sides.
He was yanked back, facing me.
I shoved him into the farthest wall from Tommy, dagger to his throat.
His eyes were bright, blood red, reflecting at me twice in the blade of my knife.
His breath was heavy, and he looked through me.
Anita pulled Tommy out with the help of Nikki, but I didn't let go.
His breath never slowed and he remained trapped like a statue, in feeling and in motion.
"You went too far." I spat out.
Not a single word response.
"He's a boy. He's your little brother." My lip quivered, eyes beginning to water just enough for his face to blur.
Only the bright red of his eyes remained discernible before I blinked.
He watched my tear fall down my cheek, and when his eyes met mine again I recognized the person behind them.
My grip softened, and arms fell.
He didn't look away from me. Not as I turned and left. Not until the door slammed behind me.
And even then I could still see his crimson eyes.

Anita's POV
Tubbo sat on his bed, looking around the room he'd share with Tommy.
Not tonight though.
Tommy was in Belle's workroom.
I paced the room.
"Tommy was right, you know." I paced. "He's a coward for giving in like that. You've seen his strength before! I know he could've won against all of those people down there."
"But I wouldn't." Tubbo squeezed out, his voice hoarse.
I frowned. "Belle said keep quiet, you have gunpowder residue in your throat." I went to sit next to him.
He put his hand on mine.
"Don't blame him."
I whined and put my finger to my lips, silently shushing him.
He squeezed my hand.
"I'll try not to. It's just hard to see you like this."
He nodded softly and lowered his head.
"But I'm glad to see you."
A smile tugged at his lips.
"I've missed you so much. I kept all your letters next to my bed."
He shot me a smile and nodded excitedly.
"You too?"
A toothy grin exploded on his face and he reached for his suit pants that he'd changed out of earlier in the night.
"I made you..."
My finger went to his lips and he rolled his eyes, pulling my hand away.
"I was gonna give it to you at the festival."
A green braid of fabric, looped as a bracelet, sat in his hand.
"Is that...?"
"That jacket I left at your house for a whole month. When you gave it back it smelled like you for so long. Even after it didn't anymore, I'd wear it when I missed you. It got me through the longest nights and hardest days."
I practically lunged at him with how fast I kissed him.
I hesitated placing my hands over his bandages, but he grabbed mine instead as he pushed against my initial force.
Simple sweetness lasted a whole moment before I pulled back. "No talking." I scolded in a whisper.
He let out a laugh and placed his forehead against mine. "My bad.."

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