22. Prosperity

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Techno's POV
"He didn't have as much as I thought he would." I explained to Belle as I washed the red from my hands.
She was caved in on herself as she sat, her mind filled to the brim with thoughts.
"I scared him and tossed him around. He won't be back for a long time."
She told me to take him outside and tell him I was gonna kill him. Before that though, Wilbur told me the plan.
After I would basically seal his fate for the afterlife, I'd smooth talk him into giving us all the information on Manberg that he knew. In his eyes, he was dead either way.
I spewed some stuff about the princess's last request of a failed subject, yada yada more dramatic stuff...
He ended up telling me barely anything and some information I couldn't tell.
"Tubbo is going back. He said they're getting more suspicious of him so his visits are over for now. If you wanna say goodbye..."
Emotional support wasn't a strong suit of mine.
Thinking back to growing up, I wasn't doing most of the big brothering. That was always Wilbur helping Tommy with his scraped knees or class fights. God, I was barely there, and then I left..
"Chin up, Darling! He's probably crying buckets as he's running over the hills as we speak!"
I have no idea when Wilbur slithered next to her but there he was.
The man with little semblance of his former good left, rudely bombarding one of the last people he hadn't lost yet.
"Wilbur, you helped a lot today but I think I need to be-"
"I know! Let's celebrate! Techno! Use your big strong arms and grab a few barrels of wine, aye?"
"I'd rather not. You know, I actually need Belle's help with the cauldrons outside."
He scoffed. "Making her work on a day like this! How inconsiderate can you be.." he shook his head as he stood. He turned to her. "Are you sure you wanna-"
"Yes!" She interrupted eagerly. "I wouldn't wanna break a promise, you know!"

Belle's POV
As I smelled the air of the midnight cold I felt my muscles relax as I closed my eyes.
So much had happened within the last few hours and it's as if I finally had a single moment.
I turned to Techno.
"Dream." He greeted.
He had his hand to his sword.
So I drew mine and spun back around quickly.
Sword an inch from stark white mask, he didn't move.
"So you two have met." He observed.
"Why are you here?"
"You caught that spy." I tightened my grip. "I knew you wouldn't fall for it. I mean, they paid this guy way too much for his skill level, not to mention how cocky they were.."
"I'm tired of repeating myself today." I said.
"Schlatt is an idiot. I mean, it's ridiculous. His whole presidency is a joke."
"Careful Dream. It's starting to sound like you're siding with your underlings." Techno joked.
He chuckled drying.
"Oh, but I am."
"Haven't answered me yet." I warned.
"Get Wilbur out here."
"He's busy."
"So his secretary will take it?"
"The man's gone crazy." Techno butted in.
"Obviously. But he's better than that ambitious fuck that's in charge of his country right now. The man's got so many ideas and it's not what the SMP needs."
"Change scares you?" I questioned, tilting my head.
"Power scares me." He replied simply.
I lowered my sword.
"I'll go get him."

Anita's POV
"We know about the festival now! You don't need to leave!" I begged.
Tubbo frowned.
"Not enough."
"They're already suspicious! It's safer if you just stay." I grabbed his hands and held them close to my heart.
"It's worth the risk. We need more information, Anita."
"Can I come back again?"
He laughed sadly, cupping my face with a gentle hand and wiping a tear from under my eye as a matching one fell from his.
"Then they'll know I went here."
I sniffled. "Oh.."
His shoulders fell and his ears flopped as he looked at me.
"If you don't see me again..."
My brows furrowed.
"Wh- huh??"
"No! What?! This isn't a goodbye!"
"I need to tell you something in case!"
His hands gripped my shoulders, his eyes begging me to listen.
I cupped his face with both hands and tilted his head down.
His horns brushed my temples as I laid a soft kiss to his forehead.
"You tell me when we see each other next, alright? So you don't go off and die before you can.."
He laughed through his tears and pulled me into a hug.
"Yes ma'am.." he mumbled into my shoulder.
"OY TUBBO!" From down the ravine, Tommy echoed.
The tall boy pulled us apart from the back of our necks like a sticker and began yelling about Tubbo staying safe.
"-AND WHEN YOU COME BACK YOU HAVE TO BRING MY SLIPPERS BECAUSE THERES SO MANY PEBLES ON THE GROUND AND MY FEET HURT!" He took a breath finally, so Tubbo took the opportunity to interrupt him.
"I can do it, alright? I've got too much to live for so stop giving me tasks, I'll make it back."
Tommy groaned in response.
"Hey. Make this whole thing worth it, kay?"
Tommy's shoulders stiffened and he nodded.
"You two take care of each other." It sounded more like a warning as he climbed into the mine cart.
"I'll keep him alive." I elbowed Tommy playfully.
"Yeah, I'll make sure she doesn't kill me."
I smiled a bit too wide at the thought.
"Bye!" He began to wave.
We stood waving back until we couldn't see his light anymore.
I already missed him.

"Hate to add to your bad day, however.." Tommy peaked his head through my bedroom door as I curled up in my bed. "Someone's here and you should either get dressed or let me hide in here with you."

I placed my hat on and opened my door, finding everyone in the main area of the ravine. Tommy was right there and stood close.
Attention wasn't focused on him, so it was easy to tell he was scared.
For good reason.
We neared the group together, not saying a word as Dream sat by the bonfire.
"Would you like to stay for the night, then??" Wilbur asked gleefully.
Tommy and I approached Belle subtly.
"What's happening..?" I whispered.
"He wants to help us."
"He what??" Tommy said, far too loud.
Dream looked our way.
"Tommy." He greeted with a tone that I couldn't grasp the whole knowledge of.
"Dream." He answered.
Easier to read, but not enough to paint the picture.
"You have my discs."
But there he was painting it for me.
"Now, Tommy-" Wilbur began.
"No! He has my discs and I want them back if he's gonna "help us" I mean-?!" He scoffed. "It's Dream! When has he ever cared about L'Manburg?!"
"I don't." He said calmly. "I care about Schlatt's ambitions being put down. He wants to expand, and that's not what I agreed to when I let you guys make a separate nation."
Tommy had so many words behind his teeth, but the air was already too thick.
I reached out and grabbed his hand, squeezing.
His fingers curled and he squeezed back, harder than I was.
He wasn't backing down.
But neither was Dream.
"I'll get a room ready. Tommy, come help." Belle ordered, grabbing him by the shoulder and physically dragging him away.

Belle's POV
"Knock it off! This is a great opportunity and you're being unreasonable."
He yelled profanities back at me.
"I'd be with you at any other time! But for now just swallow your pride!"
"Oh of course I have to be the bigger person here! You're just like Wil!"
I blinked. "What?"
"I mean- why do I have to change myself to make people like him comfortable?!"
I reached into my bag.
"Here. I don't know what you're mad at him for but I understand what you're going through. Maybe this will help."
"What am I looking at?" He spat.
"That piece of his battle mask that I broke off."
His eyes lit up, and just like that the kid was bouncing up and down again.
He took it and stormed out.
I was worried he'd make the powerful man angry again, but after his talk I wondered if he needed to humble Dream.
"I've got your eye, bITCH!" I heard him tell from down the hall and followed.
Dream's eyes were tracking me as the boy taunted my trophy in his face.
"I arm wrestled the kid for it and he won, so.." I shrugged, returning to the spot between him and the princess.
Tommy cheered again. "That means I basically won against you because she beat you and I beat her! Suck it!" He continued.
Anita didn't hide her giggles as she watched her friend prance around the still, tired man.

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