27. Esperanza

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Anita's POV
Our world as we knew it was on a time limit.
Every crack and crevasse of the ravine where we've lived for what felt like forever, it was destined to be so much different by the day's end. No amount of preparation and training could keep the next hours from altering everything.
Best case scenario, this place never hears a living echo again.
As much as this place has felt like as real of a home as it possibly could, it would mean we failed if we're still here by sunrise.
This festival is our attack. Our checkmate. These odds are in our favor, and failure means they have won.
Worst case is that we have to go back. We'd have lost, and the whole country will have been blown to bits along with those inside of it..
That would be the worst.
Yet still I remained hopeful, even against all reason. Because I had love and a cause worth fighting for. I had family, friends, and-
"Oy! Anita! Stop starin at your oatmeal like you're gonna marry it!" Tommy yelled, making me jump.
"She looked more like she was gonna stab it." Techno added.
"Both." I replied before taking a scoop in my mouth.
Being out of here also meant better food, so...
"Belle! There you are!" Tommy yelled as Belle came into the room, taking off her jacket.
"What is it?" She asked, pulling out her weapons and placing them on the table.
"Uh- whats that about?"
"We just got mail." She said with a bitter tone, throwing an envelope on the desk.
Techno grabbed it and ripped it open.
"As courtesy of the..." he began to read out, stopping as his shock grew.
"What? What is it?" I asked as he huffed, throwing it down.
He looked to Belle who was already sharpening her weapons.
"Can we get out of this? She can't go."
Belle stabbed the counter she was sitting on.
"I've thought of everything."
"Guys, cmon!" Tommy groaned.
"I'm going too then." Techno declared.
Anger boiled in my gut as they blatantly ignored our questions.
"I agree."
"Hey! What's happening?!" I bursted.
"Someone got invited to the festival." Techno said with sarcastic joy.
"What?! You mean Anita-" Tommy began.
My stomach dropped.
"Are you serious?! No way she's going!" Tommy stood.
"There's nothing we can do about it, bud.." Techno attempted to explain softly.
"Oh bullshit! I cant have both my best friends in the place Wil might blast into the ground!"
"I'm going to talk to him about that right now." Belle pipped in.
She stood with confidence, something I needed as I processed what would be happening.
"She's gonna have Tecnho, and if he gets caught up, then Tubbo. I trust him to keep her safe just as much as I'd trust any of you. Nothing bad will happen to them and now Wil is for certain not going near those bombs."
I looked to her hands. Usually they shake when she's faking confidence.
Stiff as a board.
She was genuinely confident that I'd be okay. So comfortable that she's not panicking about a dangerous situation.
So my heart began to slow, and head cleared.
This would only change the worst case scenario, and like I said, I had hope.
This was going to end the way we needed it to. And so I raised my head high and took a deep breath.
"I'll need my crown and my nicest dress."
"You sure you want your crown?" Belle said, sympathy in her tone.
She hadn't mentioned the thing till now.
"I'm gonna be wearing one. She should too." Techno added.
"You're not a king?" Belle said, confused.
He smirked. "Exactly."
I smiled too.
I wasn't a princess.

Belle's POV
We snuck along a well known trail from when I'd go spy on Manberg.
The walls had been torn down for a while, so it wasn't like it was hard.
Tommy, Wilbur, and I were the group that would hide along one of the buildings near the podium.
Techno and Anita were at the square, partying like their lives depended on it.
A twig snapped and I put both my arms out, stopping Wilbur and Tommy from continuing.
I drew my knife and widened my stance.
It was Tubbo.
I sighed and put my weapon away.
"Oy Tubs!" The boys hugged.
"Hey! So has anything changed??" Tubbo asked Wilbur.
I looked to the man and met his gaze.
"Anita's been invited." I spoke up.
"Im aware.." he cringed.
"She needs to stay-"
"Safe. Don't worry." He shot me a smile.
"Tubbo, I want you to make the call." Wilbur said and we all turned to him. "If you think it's safe, and you think it's right, then say the line and I'll blow it up."
He laughed in responses. "Bro, this is a big responsibility, I mean.."
Wilbur put his hand on his shoulder.
"You've got this. Now go."

Anita's POV
Everyone was here.
And I mean everyone.
The country had expanded tenfold since we were there, carnival games and music at every corner and buildings that reached the skies. There were so many homes lining the hills that were once barren, and the sky stretched on forever.
And Tecno was eating cotton candy double handed.
"Hey! Technoblade!" A familiar voice called.
Jeez, I hadn't seen Fundy in a while but he looked much older. Maybe his hybrid years were shorter. He looked very tired though.
"Is that Anita? Where have you been since-" he went quiet.
"I'm out on a farm now." I replied awkwardly.
He nodded.
"Have you had the cotton candy??" Techno yelled through a full mouth.
"Ah- no.." Fundy said, about to ask more questions.
A pink blob flew into his hand.
"Here. Bye." Techno said again, walking past him.
I followed close behind.
"Too many questions. Plus he's on- speak of the devil... or, the devil's lover." Techno nodded forward.
Quackity shook hands with people, laughing so loud we could hear.
"Schlatt and Quackity are together?!" I whisper-yelled.
"Yep. I snuck in while they were arguing one time. It was sad."
"Oh.. he looks tired too. Like Fundy."
"Yeah, they're not living large out here."
He looked our way and his smile grew.
"My gosh, my two favorite... I dunno, scariest harmless animal hybrids?" He shrugged, laughing.
Techno laughed but I just glared.
"What a fun pair! Where's your uh.. bodyguard?"
I glared. "She's on the farm. Couldn't make it. She's kinda exiled."
"My brothers too I guess. News to me though, we don't really keep in touch." Techno chimed in, lying his ass off.
"Yeah.. but aren't the decorations neat?? Oh- your boyfriend is giving a speech tonight!"
"My what-?" I stood up straight.
"He talks about you all the time! He couldn't wait to see you!"
I deadpanned. "Thanks."
His fake smile never softened. "Of course, princess. You should enjoy yourself. While you're still here."
Techno stood closer.
"Have some." He shoved his half-eaten cotton candy in Quackity's hands and continued around him.
Like before and much more happily, I followed.
"Wilbur gave me a few people to talk to. If you see Nikki-" a bell rang.
"Arena matches! Freestyle fights! Earn money and glory!"
Techno's smile grew, and he was perfectly readable even under his cracked skull mask.
"You can't. There's no time-"
"We have like four hours. Plus, more money means better seats for the speech..." his feet were already moving towards the boxing ring.
"You're confident you're gonna win enough?"
He laughed loudly. "Please, I could use anyone here as a toothpick."
I rolled my eyes. "Knock yourself out.."

I didn't think I'd have to hold his jacket, cape, crown, and mask as he beat a bunch of guys up for half an hour.
It was impressive for a while but then it got boring and stayed that way.
"Hi Anita." A soft voice came from behind me.
Nikki, the baker.
Wilbur wanted Techno to talk to her.
I looked to the ring.
A loud thwack.
"Is that all you got?!" He yelled at some guy on the ground.
"Hello, Nikki! It's been a while, hm?"
She smiled. "Far too long! I missed you and Belle in my bakery. You were both always so lively and polite."
She sounded saddened.
"Oh! How is your bakery doing now? There's so many people that I'm surprised you're not working."
Her face contorted in anger. "The president. He-" she took a breath. "He's not as good of a president. He shut down my bakery when I spoke out agains him."
"You spoke out? Like a rebellion?" I asked and she looked around before nodding. My smile grew. "I have something to tell you..."

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