4. Perfect (6 months later)- Holly

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"Can't we just stay here forever?" I sighed, looking out over the balcony.

Five wrapped his arms around me and set his head on my shoulder. "Technically we could," He replied, nuzzling me. "If you felt like warping time again,"

"Okay....I'm not that desperate. But it is nice here."

"Is there anything you want to do before we leave?"

I thought of anything we hadn't done yet.

Ancient Ruins? Check. The Colosseum? Check. Fontana di Trevi? Check. The Pantheon, Sistine Chapel, Church of San Luigi dei Francesi, and the Vatican Museums? Check, Check, Check, and Check.

We had massive amounts of gelato, took walks through piazzas, tried just about every restaurant, had wine with every meal, ridden a Vespa, gone dancing, and did it more times than I could count. It was wonderful here, but time to go. I hadn't been feeling well lately, but I didn't want say anything to Five. He had recovered from his surgery and was more motivated than ever to spend quality time doing relaxing things that he enjoyed. It made my heart soar to see him finally happy, and I knew if he found out I was sick it would ruin his mood.

"I don't know," I yawned. "I say we think about it in bed then get some gelato."

Five grinned. "That sounds like a wonderful idea."

I turned to face him as he kissed me, and backed up into our hotel suite. We removed our pajamas on our way to the bed, kissing the whole way.


Twenty-five minutes later we got dressed and headed out to find some gelato. Two minutes from our hotel was a quaint little shop owned by an elderly husband and wife, all with homemade flavors. I ordered strawberry and Five got chocolate.

We walked around Rome as we ate our ice cream, passing tourists like us, annoyed locals, little kids playing soccer, and couples with toddlers and babies.

"Oh how sweet," I crooned as we passed a mother holding the hands of a one year old that was learning how to walk. The baby wobbled like a baby deer, and bounced with each step. "Isn't that cute, Five?"

Five barely seemed to notice. "Oh. Yeah."

It was then I wondered if he thought that we were too old to have kids. Physically, we operated like young adults. Mentally, we were in our sixties. The two didn't really seem to be separate for Five; he was an old man regardless of his appearance.

Time Travel and the Apocalypse: Book 2.5 Where stories live. Discover now